how to deploy a redundant jts server for floating licenses
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Hi Oueyte,
To backup what Ralph is saying:
For licensing. If the two JTS servers (JTS A amd B I'll call them) are distinct, meaning they are separate installations and not sharing the same Jazz license server then if "user X" needs a license to access JTS A and a second license to also access JTS B they will consume 2; 1 in each. This is what the Floating User Single Install means in the license terms.
If you are using the second server as a high availability backup server then we have terms that allow you the Jazz licensing info and set up duplicate license enablement on JTS A and JTS B. I would have to look for these terms. But I know we have other customers using special terms that basically say they have 2x the number of licenses but are using them only for HA/Disaster Recovery. This way if you are audited on license usage compliance they produce the document from IBM showing the special HA terms.
I would contact your local IBM representative to organise these special terms.
I would like to have a Validated solution and not some trials that can have violation with the contract.
My objectif is to ensure availibity of the license server to ensure availibitity of the JAZZ platforms. And also to stay in a Validated IBM solution to do that
Which the above can provide, if you do the legal work upfront.