Translatable process template in RTC 4.0.2

One answer

For Rational Team Concert:
Good way is to externalize the string and create translated message.
RTC out of the box process template has this feature. For example, scrum process is already externalized.
To view process template, open "Window"->"Show View" -> "Team/Process Templates"
For Rational Requirement Composer (RRC), you can edit process directory from English one, and then export it. Unfortunately, RRC does not have the feature to externalize the string yet.
Good way is to externalize the string and create translated message.
RTC out of the box process template has this feature. For example, scrum process is already externalized.

To view process template, open "Window"->"Show View" -> "Team/Process Templates"
For Rational Requirement Composer (RRC), you can edit process directory from English one, and then export it. Unfortunately, RRC does not have the feature to externalize the string yet.