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Automatically Adding Artifact Links to a Module

Gabriel Galvão (3189) | asked Sep 17 '13, 9:53 a.m.
Is there a way to add all links an artifact already in a module has to the module itself?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Sep 17 '13, 2:32 p.m.
I see (and that makes more sense ;).  Unfortunately there is not a way to do this today.  Feel free to open an enhancement request in RTC if it's important to you. 

Gabriel Galvão selected this answer as the correct answer

Gabriel Galvão commented Sep 17 '13, 2:36 p.m.

Thank you, Kirk! 

2 other answers

permanent link
Kirk Grotjohn (1.2k3) | answered Sep 17 '13, 11:07 a.m.
It depends on whether you want to link to those artifacts in the context of the module, or to the "base" artifacts (independent of the module context).  But before I answer, I'd be curious to know the use case for needing this.  It's not really a use case we designed for (although it can be done).

For the former, in the Create Link dialog, you can choose to search for Rows in a Module, and then choose the current module and select all the rows in the module.  This will link to the artifacts in the context of that module.  If you want to link to the base artifacts, then you can choose to filter by the "Where used" attribute, and show all artifacts used in the current module, then choose all the artifacts to link to. 

permanent link
Gabriel Galvão (3189) | answered Sep 17 '13, 1:56 p.m.
 Kirk, I am sorry I have not made myself clear here. My language is ambiguous at best. 

Actually what the user needs is to be able to add LinkED artifacts (they are already linked).

For instance, user adds a Use Case do a Module. Then clicks on one button and suddenly all artifacts linked from this Use Case are, too, added to this module.

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