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Kanban Vs Taskboard view

Accepted answer

I was just reading this article and remembered our forum discussion. https://jazz.net/library/article/1350
Does this help you in addition to the rest of the post below?
There is an interesting podcast on this topic http://public.dhe.ibm.com/software/info/television/swtv/Rational_Software/podcasts/rttu/wibor_weber_kanban_planning_24sep2012.mp3
I think that the major difference for Kanban is that you pull WIs into the next stage based on limits (i.e., capacity), very much in the lean (just-in-time) methodology. This is quite nicely summarised in Wikipedia's entry http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lean_software_development.
A more basic listing of the differences though would be in the infocenter:
However, I assume you'd found that already?
Are you intending to use the Lean software development? I do not think we intended Kanban for anything but use within a defined methodology.
If this was not the angle that you were after then please let us know and I'll try and give you a more specific answer.
Kind regards,

Hello Paul,
Thanks for the response. I was looking for some more general differences. can you explain a bit in detail what you meant by just-in-time methodology ?
Thanks again

Hi - I tried editing my initial answer to make it more complete.
I see now why you asked this question, as there isn't really much in terms of comparisons, as I imagine due to the different needs for using each.
If you still need more info though let me know and I'll try again.
Apologies for the delay with my update - I am a little swamped at the moment.

Thank you so much Paul, the link was helpful. What we actually wanted is to have a kanban dashboard in scrum with each workitem state as a column and we were able to implement that.
Rao Shines
Oct 07 '13, 6:00 a.m.Hi Varun,