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Error condition when using "Require Work Item Approval"

2 answers

I found work item https://jazz.net/jazz/web/projects/Rational%20Team%20Concert#action=com.ibm.team.workitem.viewWorkItem&id=209679, which says that the warning you're seeing is "effectively a warning. It does not degrade performance or functionality."
I don't know enough about the precondition myself to suggest why this isn't working for you.

In general the approach you take is correct, but I would make sure there is no other role configured, and if so, make sure to configure the approval for all roles that configure the operational behavior. You also want to check that there s no override on the timelines.
See https://jazz.net/library/article/292 for more information on how that works.

Hi again Ralph :). I have checked all other roles in the project and team area and no other role overrides the precondition check. I have configured the precondition to be effective for the default "Everyone".
I just checked the timelines (didnt know those could do that), and there are no Operational Behaviors configured at any level.
The one thing I am not sure of is this: I have two team areas defined in the Project Area. The project area has no Operational Behaviors defined. Team Area 1 has some defined, but not the Deliver (Server) ones. Team Area 2 has the Deliver (Server) defined for only the Everyone role. Do the different Team Areas merge the behaviors in any way? As I understood it, they should behave as if they were seperate project areas, right?

Hi William,
operational behavior does not merge. There is a hierarchy involved though. Look at the article I mention above for details.
Operational behavior is selected from the owner of the item. E.g. Stream 1 is owned by Team 1. The operational behavior for Team 1 applies. If there is no operational behavior defined, the operational behavior in Team configuration on project area level applies.
The operational behavior is processed for the first role a user has in the context first. If non is found it goes down the roles (everyone if for users that have no role or have one that has none configured). Roles have an order top to down/left to right in the users role assignment.
In your example, if there is no override, I would expect the user needs an approval for the delivery (on all work items) associated to the change set when delivering to stream 2.