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Additional Icon Sets for Rational Team Concert Enumeration Values

MK Skelton (25315) | asked Dec 20 '17, 9:56 a.m.
edited Dec 20 '17, 10:07 a.m.


Does anyone know of any good resources for these?  I am looking for atypical icons that can be used for custom values we use in our enumerations.

Thanks much,

Accepted answer

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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered Dec 20 '17, 10:39 a.m.


I've spent many an hour selecting Icons for Enumerations and Work Flows etc..

My preferred site is

This is a good example set (16x16)



MK Skelton selected this answer as the correct answer

MK Skelton commented Dec 20 '17, 12:01 p.m.

Hi Matt,

Thanks for your reply and this site certainly has a wealth of options.  Do you happen to know of any resources that do not incur a monthly fee?  I realize copyrights will minimize the options, but not to a halt. 

Thanks again

Matt Muller commented Dec 20 '17, 12:17 p.m.

Hi Matthew,

I use the site - without incurring a charge...

Happy Christmas

One other answer

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MK Skelton (25315) | answered Dec 20 '17, 12:17 p.m.


After discussions with others (and your comment regarding countless hours spent looking), it appears a longshot to use another's icons without paying royalties. I could create the icons in PhotoShop or Illustrator, but that is for another day ;)  -Bigger fish to fry

Thanks again & Happy Holidays

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