CRRRA0003I received during configuration of App Server port during RRDI setup
3 answers
Are you getting any error? I would suggest checking the setup server logs under <RRDI_Install>\setup\logs as well as the WAS logs during the time of the failure. If that does not reveal the root cause, we can turn up the logging for the setup server to TRACE by modifying the file in the <RRDI_Install>\setup\logs folder, restarting the setup server and running the setup wizard again. Feel free to post the errors here once you've done that and we will have a look. Hope it helps,
Benjamin, I deinstalled WAS 8.5 and installed WAS 8.0.0. Now I restarted the setup wizard (JTS running), and I go to the browser and enter the https://hostname:10443/setup/rrdi I always see a log comment saying 'already registered' but the setup does not continue (actually I would be on step 4). How can I continue the wizard after I stopped it once ?
I Now I am back to step 4 and I still get CRRRA0003I: No application server is found. The WAS server1 (default) is started as a service, here from the rrdi_setup.log
07/04/2013 16:17:39,406 INFO : CRRRA0003I: No application server is found.
07/04/2013 16:18:57,954 ERROR : Address already in use: JVM_Bind Address already in use: JVM_Bind
at ... just a piece
Coudl it be that the mjor problem is the path where the installation resides ? C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer8. The operating system is windows server 8 and not windows 8. the default server server1 is started (as a service): how can it be that it is not found ? What is it looking for ? I left the port as default. I tried with the check sign on the profile and without, I have no more idea.
It sounds like you are selecting the option to create a new profile but specifying a port that is already in use. When you run the setup, you have the option to use an existing profile or create a new one. If you want to use the profile you already have started, you should select "Use an existing profile" in the setup wizard and click "Retrieve" and select your profile from the list. Otherwise, create a new profile but do not use a port that is already in use (ie - choose something like 9082, 9083, etc...). Hope it helps,
Benjamin, I came to the conclusion that the error is that I have WAS 32 bit installed but the RRDI version I used is 64 bit. I interpreted the 'please use' statement in the wrong way, now think, I cannot mix up the 2 and since there is no WAS 64 bit for Windows 2008 I will restart my installation on Linux and keep everything 64 bit.