RRDI System requirements
I am not getting the exact information about RRDI Systems requirement. This is what I got it from infocenter.
CAN I install RRDI (either 32 or 64 bit) if my OS is 64 bit, DB2 ESE 9.7 is 64 bit and WAS is 32 bit
OS |
DB client |
64-bit |
64-bit |
64-bit |
64-bit |
32-bit |
32-bit |
32-bit |
32-bit |
32-bit |
6 answers
I would suggest to check if the report server is up and running by trying to connect to the RRDI web ui: http:// hostname : portnumber /reporting
If the web ui is not accessible, or it return any error, you can also look into cogserver.log under the cognos/logs folder of the RRDI installation directory for more information on what is failing.
Best Regards,
This article should help you.
Specially this phrase: WebSphere Application Server support for CLM is 64-bit only to align with 64-bit server platforms. RRDI supports both x86-32 and x86-64 bit WAS.
a key consideration is that WAS and RRDI must be on the same bit level.
So in your case (OS is 64 bit, DB2 ESE 9.7 is 64 bit and WAS is 32 bit) you need to install RRDI 32 bit.
The last version of the info center document you mention, contains some additional information:
Best Regards
Hi Francesco,
Can I assume that RRDI is not depend on DB2. That means if i have DB2 either 32 or 64 bit which does not matter for RRDI.
I should only look for what WAS i do have!!! in case i have 32 bit was and 64 bit DB2, i should install 32bit RRDI.
Hello Arun,
if your DB2 64 bit is on a different server from RRDI, you need to install the 32 bit DB2 client on the RRDI server (even in WAS and RRDI are on 64 bits). If it's local it should have both the 32 bit and 64 bit libraries.
Everything is Local (WAS 8.x 32 bit, DB2 9.7 64 bit and RRDI 2.0.1 32 bit). In the last step (Build and Deploy reporting components), i am getting following error.
"com.ibm.rational.rrdi.setup.biserver.common.RRDIBIServerException: CRRRA2084E: Cannot log onto the report server.
here with I also attached the screenshot.
Finally i formatted my systems and reinstall all application like CLM, RRDI, WAS, DB2 (all are 64 bit). My installation and RRDI setup went fine without any issues. I have also created the JKE sample project.
now the issue is, i am not able to run the report by connecting to JKE.
Here is the screenshot. I am not able to see the JKE project
1) Did you use the RRDI setup to deploy the available archives?
2) Which data model did you deploy? Rational Report Data Model (DW+CALM) or Rational Report Data Model (DW+CALM)-no-security
If its the first then you have to add yourself as a member of the JKE project to be able to report against it.
3) Do you know if the Data Collection jobs completed successfully before running the report?