RRDI 2.0 with X64 WAS and X64 Linux for CLM V4.0: 32-bit DB2 client?
Based on the CLM V4.0 information center, the RRDI 2.0 can be installed on a report server with 64-bit WAS and 64-bit Linux. However, the document mentions that 32-bit DB2 client has to be used in the case when the database server is on a remote machine, which is the case for my env.
The reporting server is 64-bit Linux with 64-bit WAS, DB2 V9.7 does not allow to install its 32-bit client on X64 Linux. We have to install the X64 DB2 client. How could we make RRDI work in this env if it only supports 32-bit DB2 client?
I have to use 64-bit Linux and WAS. The only possible option is to set the DB2 64-bit instance env to use its 32-bit libraries so that it can behave like 32-bit client. I have not tried this yet but like to check if anyone had the similar setting (64-bit Linux for RRDI reporting server with remote database (DW, RICM).
Thanks and Regards
Based on the CLM V4.0 information center, the RRDI 2.0 can be installed on a report server with 64-bit WAS and 64-bit Linux. However, the document mentions that 32-bit DB2 client has to be used in the case when the database server is on a remote machine, which is the case for my env.
The reporting server is 64-bit Linux with 64-bit WAS, DB2 V9.7 does not allow to install its 32-bit client on X64 Linux. We have to install the X64 DB2 client. How could we make RRDI work in this env if it only supports 32-bit DB2 client?
I have to use 64-bit Linux and WAS. The only possible option is to set the DB2 64-bit instance env to use its 32-bit libraries so that it can behave like 32-bit client. I have not tried this yet but like to check if anyone had the similar setting (64-bit Linux for RRDI reporting server with remote database (DW, RICM).
Thanks and Regards