Cannot Install RRDI 203 with Install Manager. Is the Package corrupt?
I started with the upgrade of CLM 402 to 403 together with RRDI 201 to 203.
Because in the upgrade notes it's written:
"You must upgrade Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence before you upgrade your server applications"
I started with the RRDI 203 Package first.
I downloaded:
I also installed the new Installation Manager 1.6.3
I unpacked the RRDI Zip file and started IM. Added the repository and start Installation.
I see the RRDI 203 package in IM and can select it.
As soon as I click NEXT I get an error (see below). I downloaded the ZIP file twice, but both time same effect.
For me it looks like the package delivered on is corrupt. So I'm suck in the upgrade, if I have first to upgrade RRDI.
Error preparing IBM Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence
CRIMC1029E: Adding plug-in to repository C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles failed.
CRIMC1085E: Resumable download failed for: \\\e$\Repositories\RTC_403\RRDI-repo-Win64-2.0.3\plugins\
Encountered 2 times: Failed to retrieve 'plug-in'.
Downloading '\\\e$\Repositories\RTC_403\RRDI-repo-Win64-2.0.3\plugins\' to 'C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles\tmp\cicdip_Administrator\v\md5\5575268464e496374ff1bccc9deb4b6f_md5~53d1e85ce2fd73e68d914e3075063866'.
Table of contents digests differs from digest of downloaded file.
'md5' digest values do not match: [5575268464e496374ff1bccc9deb4b6f] (Actual) vs [acacc47ea49ad31884a6cc8a0cc98fb6] (Expected).
Moved bad file C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles\tmp\cicdip_Administrator\v\md5\5575268464e496374ff1bccc9deb4b6f_md5~53d1e85ce2fd73e68d914e3075063866 to C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles\tmp\cicdip_Administrator\failed\md5\5575268464e496374ff1bccc9deb4b6f.
Retrying corrupt retrieval.
Elapsed time 00:00.02.
CRIMC1029E: Adding plug-in to repository C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles failed.
CRIMC1085E: Resumable download failed for: \\\e$\Repositories\RTC_403\RRDI-repo-Win64-2.0.3\plugins\
Encountered 2 times: Failed to retrieve 'plug-in'.
Downloading '\\\e$\Repositories\RTC_403\RRDI-repo-Win64-2.0.3\plugins\' to 'C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles\tmp\cicdip_Administrator\v\md5\2853fd9cf66c80ea457cdd0fe7a45cea_md5~84a88f6f5f392af9e385a55255cfc64d'.
Table of contents digests differs from digest of downloaded file.
'md5' digest values do not match: [2853fd9cf66c80ea457cdd0fe7a45cea] (Actual) vs [acacc47ea49ad31884a6cc8a0cc98fb6] (Expected).
Moved bad file C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles\tmp\cicdip_Administrator\v\md5\2853fd9cf66c80ea457cdd0fe7a45cea_md5~84a88f6f5f392af9e385a55255cfc64d to C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles\tmp\cicdip_Administrator\failed\md5\2853fd9cf66c80ea457cdd0fe7a45cea.
Retrying corrupt retrieval.
Elapsed time 00:00.02.
CRIMC1029E: Adding plug-in to repository C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles failed.
CRIMC1085E: Resumable download failed for: \\\e$\Repositories\RTC_403\RRDI-repo-Win64-2.0.3\plugins\
Encountered 2 times: Failed to retrieve 'plug-in'.
Downloading '\\\e$\Repositories\RTC_403\RRDI-repo-Win64-2.0.3\plugins\' to 'C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles\tmp\cicdip_Administrator\v\md5\52b134fc50ad42ee3e7310e6e102facd_md5~4a591a2a151eff412f0bc1f165e9693e'.
Table of contents digests differs from digest of downloaded file.
'md5' digest values do not match: [52b134fc50ad42ee3e7310e6e102facd] (Actual) vs [acacc47ea49ad31884a6cc8a0cc98fb6] (Expected).
Moved bad file C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles\tmp\cicdip_Administrator\v\md5\52b134fc50ad42ee3e7310e6e102facd_md5~4a591a2a151eff412f0bc1f165e9693e to C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles\tmp\cicdip_Administrator\failed\md5\52b134fc50ad42ee3e7310e6e102facd.
Retrying corrupt retrieval.
Elapsed time 00:00.01.
CRIMC1029E: Adding plug-in to repository C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles failed.
CRIMC1085E: Resumable download failed for: \\\e$\Repositories\RTC_403\RRDI-repo-Win64-2.0.3\plugins\
Encountered 2 times: Failed to retrieve 'plug-in'.
Downloading '\\\e$\Repositories\RTC_403\RRDI-repo-Win64-2.0.3\plugins\' to 'C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles\tmp\cicdip_Administrator\v\md5\957d5114990155e03dad234ce6f28a4c_md5~8ff5a92caed3a0236e31e6090b28dba9'.
Table of contents digests differs from digest of downloaded file.
'md5' digest values do not match: [957d5114990155e03dad234ce6f28a4c] (Actual) vs [acacc47ea49ad31884a6cc8a0cc98fb6] (Expected).
Moved bad file C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles\tmp\cicdip_Administrator\v\md5\957d5114990155e03dad234ce6f28a4c_md5~8ff5a92caed3a0236e31e6090b28dba9 to C:\ProgramData\IBM\Installation Manager\bundles\tmp\cicdip_Administrator\failed\md5\957d5114990155e03dad234ce6f28a4c.
Retrying corrupt retrieval.
Elapsed time 00:00.02.
Accepted answer
in this thread there is an error similar to yours when installing RRDI:
RRDI 2.0.3 - corrupt zip files?
The root cause was unzipping the RRDI archive with the windows internal archive extractor. When using another unzip tool it worked fine.
Best Regards
4 other answers
If you want to download a repository for installing RRDI, please look at one of the links under "Installation Manager repositories" on There are links for repositories by platform or one for all platforms.
I'm not using the Web Installer.
I'm using the Installation Manager Repository downloaded from the link I posted in my question.
(one of the zip files on the link you posted).
The Web installer uses a launchpad that then reaches out to to download the parts it needs. You cannot use it as a full Installation Manager repository. In other words, pointing Installation Manager to the repository found there will not install RRDI, since it is not a full repository. It will also cause errors like those you saw.
The following are full Installation Manager repositories for RRDI 2.0.3:
Downloading the zip file from one of those locations will get you a full IM repository, which you can then add to the list of repositories in Installation Manager and use to install.
Hello Mark,
I'm so sorry,
I posted a wrong link about what I have downloaded in the question (and also in my previous comment.)
Of course I have downloaded the full repository. About 4.1GB for Win64.
And with this I get the error, shown in my question.
I will now try the All platforms download (12GB).
Try to use Web installer ..
I downloaded again the ZIP file, unpacked it. Same behavior.
For me it looks like this repository, at least for Win64 is not correct.
The web installer maybe a solution. Problem is, that my staging machine has no Internet connection. It's in 10...* private IP range.
The package for RRDI 203 for "WinX86" and the one for "WinX86_64" must be corrupt. Both cannot be installed. See error in Initial question
Workaround is to download the "All platforms" Full package (12GB) and install from there. This is working.
IBM should test their packages published on