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RRC 4.0.1: Unable to restore a diagram type artifact after deleting in a baseline

Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | asked May 31 '13, 3:57 a.m.
retagged May 31 '13, 1:37 p.m. by Laura W. Hinson (16126)
The users follow below steps and found restore function is unavailable in RRC 4.0.1.

1. Create a baseline
2. Delete an diagram type artifact
3. Browse the baseline created in step 1
4. Open the deleted artifact - but it will have the following error :
ID CRRRW8010E  A server error prevented the generation of the content. Refresh your browser to generate the content again. If the problem persists, there might be an issue with the server. Ask your administrator to check the server status.
5. The restore button is disabled too.

According to the below workitem, it seems the restore function is not available yet.

1) Can we confirm that restore function is not available yet in RRC or it is due to the error
2) Or restore function only unavailable if the artifact is deleted in baseline, and if it is deleted in normal folder, it should be able to restored?

Another question is that why there is no permission on delete control(only create) in RM project admin page which means there is no way to control unexpected deletion if restore is not allowed in baseline?

Please shed some lights on these. Thanks a lot.

Accepted answer

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Fabian Lomeli (2213) | answered Jun 04 '13, 3:28 p.m.
Hi Don,

The restore functionality you referred in work item 44265 is not implemented yet and the restore a previous version from baselines is disabled when working with deleted artifacts, see RRC attempts to restore a deleted artifact (43720).  The restore function should be available when in History and the version is not the current version.

The error CRRW8010E is a known issue that has been tracked in  Creating a baseline with a wrapped artifact in it (eg a png) and then deleting the original makes viewing the artifact in the baseline broken (72994)

If you want to restrict who can delete artifacts, you can manage it by going to the Manage projectc area -> Permissions -> Team Configuration.  In Details section, manage the desired role and in Permitted Actions area, look for Requirements Management Resources -> Save Artifact -> Delete Artifact

Don Yang selected this answer as the correct answer

Don Yang commented Jun 04 '13, 10:41 p.m.

Thanks Erica and Fabian for the info and answers.

One other answer

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Erica Tran (1.4k7) | answered Jun 04 '13, 2:44 p.m.
Hi Don,

The ability to restore a deleted artifacts is a feature that is not yet available.  The current restore feature for artifacts allows you to restore to a previous version an artifact, but not for something that has been deleted.  The work item you have referenced is the proper place to track the feature.

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