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How does server determine email address is "invalid"?

Tim Fuller (471428) | asked May 20 '13, 1:16 p.m.
When trying to setup email notifications, I continue to get the following:

CRJAZ1999E The e-mail message contains some invalid recipients.  The e-mail was sent successfully to the valid recipients, but the following are invalid: ...[email address]...

I'm just sending a password change notification so I believe its just sending to one address, yet it says it's invalid.  Wondering what tells the server its invalid; the whitelist field, whitelist file, or the smtp server?  I can telnet to the smtp to send email using same address without problem. Also tried different users with different emails, and all are returned with jts.log as above. 

Unless I missed something having Restrict to Whitelist to false and the Whilelist field blank should allow email to any address, yes?  Running 4.0.

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Indradri Basu (1.8k1514) | answered May 20 '13, 4:34 p.m.
edited May 20 '13, 4:35 p.m.
Hi Tim, I think your mail server might have returned that the email address is invalid. You may consider checking your mail server logs or concerned people to know why. If you are sending mails from to then Whitelist might needs to be considered. Although "e-mail was sent successfully..." message seems quite misleading here.

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