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Where can I find the settings that cause RTC work item notification emails to time out and not be sent?

Donna Thomas (14122649) | asked Oct 31 '15, 11:48 a.m.
Previously we've used RTC 3.0.1, 4.0.5, and 4.0.7, and we have been able to turn off the email notification function under Server Admin. (jts/ Then we import large numbers of records, wait for 20-30 minutes for the timeout on the email notification, and turn it back on. No emails get sent for the large number of records imported (YAY!).

We upgraded to 5.0.2. For our first large import, we turned off the email service successfully. The we imported the first 2000 records approx. We waited 30 minutes and turned the email back on. Ten minutes later we started receiving the emails for the import, from the first record like it kept all the emails waiting for the service to be turned on.

How can I change the timeout because I can't find a value to do that? Or how can I stop it from sending the emails?

PLEASE help - we are talking tens of thousands of emails that will be generated in the next few weeks if we don't fix this... and it will impact a great number of users (500+) who don't want emails from what they perceive to be old issues.

Thank you,

Accepted answer

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Lily Wang (4.9k714) | answered Nov 05 '15, 6:32 p.m.
The mail notification is sent regularly by reading the Change Event. In RTC 5.0.2, the only way is scrubbing the change event more frequently.
Please see the detail explanation in
Donna Thomas selected this answer as the correct answer

Donna Thomas commented Nov 15 '15, 7:44 a.m.

Thank you much. It's always difficult when IBM "fixes" things that work well into something that doesn't, like this. Then leaves things "as designed" that make no sense.

We still have these default values, so I'll change them an reboot. I just worry that the articles mentioned in the linked question never fully explain what those properties are for and what else might be affected.

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