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RTC Work Item Category Visibility setting doesn't work

I'm using RTC 3.0.1 and trying to do some hiding of work items.
I need Stakeholders to have access to high level work items, but not have access to low level work items such as Tasks.
I've attempted to create a subteam and put restrictions around this to 'hide' work items.
Team A
- Sub Team A1
If I use the 'Restrict Work Item Access' setting against the Sub Team A1 work item category.then I can no longer see the work items in a plan if logged in as a non team member. This would be great but the progress bar is also devoid of the information provided by the restricted Work Items. I would hope that plan's progress bar would still show the teams progress even if the plans work items were restricted.
I therefore thought that I would make use of the Work Item Category 'Visibility' setting instead, to hide the Work Items. I therefore unclick the Visibility checkbox for Team A and Sub Team A1. I then log in as a non team member, but I can see all the Tasks filed against the 'invisible; work item category, in my plan.
Surely I should not be see these work items as their visibility is restricted to the team members, and I am not a team member?
3 answers

Restrict Category Visibility:
- Each category can be configured to be visible to members of the team only.
To restrict access of non-team member to a work item, 'Restrict Work Item Access' can be used.
Restrict Work Item Access:
- Each category can be configured so that work items filed against the category are only accessible from members of the associated team.

1. JazzAdmins will always see the even the restricted WIs
2. It is not possible to mix other access restriction methods with category-based restrictions, the results are inpredictable
3. The access permission is "inherited" in the Team hierarchy towards the root.
See the following article for details:

Thanks for the response. In answer to your comments:
1. Agreed, I want to restrict access to JazzUsers with specific roles or members of specific teams.
2. I'm not using any other access restriction method. I'm using one or the other of 'Restrict Work Item Access' or 'Visibility' on the category. Not both. I'm not making use of Access Groups.
3. The 'Root Category' is not restricted. Just the Category and sub-category representing the team and sub-team.
The article (837) seems to be about restricting access to all work items of a certain type within a project area which is not what I want to do. I want to limit visibility of some Task work items but have visibility of other Task work items.

I think the article describes what you want, please see the section Restrict visibility based on categories (team area assignment)
This allows you to assign a Team Area to a Work Item Category. Setting the category restriction will then restrict the visibility of the workitems filed against this category only to members of the team associated to this category (plus the members of parent teams).


1. Using the 'Restrict Work Item Access' setting hides relevant work items from the user (non team member), but also mean that progress bars show incorrect information, as the hidden work items are not taken into account.

Are these "non-team members" members of some other team? If so, what is the relation between the teams? Is there a parent-child relationship?

I've got a Parent team and a sub team. The Parent category is unrestricted, the sub team category is retricted.

If the user who creates a WI is not part of the team for that category (yet he wishes to go on and create one), he cannot save his work. How can we overcome this problem. I am perfectly satisfied he will not see the list of the WIs belonging to that category
Thanks Shimon