What is the best approach to consolidate disparate RQM 2.x and RTC instances onto a single CLM instance on WAS?
- Upgrade RQM from 2.0.1.x to on qmserver.com/jazz, pointing to JTS on ccmserver.com/jts
Upgrade JTS and RTC on ccmserver.com from to 4.0.1
- Upgrade RQM from to 4.0.1 on qmserver.com/jazz
- Perform server rename on qmserver.com/jazz to ccmserver.com/qm
Accepted answer
Leave the QM server in its existing physical server, until you have upgraded all apps to 40x. Then tackle the reverse proxy issue.
Quoting from Moving Jazz Servers and URI Stability with CLM 2011:
Setting up a reverse proxy server will allow you to retain the previous public server root URI, while hosting the application on a server with a different name.
In your case, preserve QM public URI 'http://qmserver.com/jazz', but host the application on ccmserver.com/qm or ccmserver.com/jazz, the host URI choice doesn't matter, as long as the reverse proxy redirect is accurate. You want to preserve the ability to handle incoming requests to the existing public URI for QM but have the reverse proxy handle the redirect.
References of Interest: Configuring Enterprise CLM Reverse Proxies, Part 2: WebSphere and IHS Plugin method
Configuring Enterprise CLM Reverse Proxies: WebSphere and IHS Plugin method Separating JTS and CCM where the JTS and CCM were originally deployed using different ports
One other answer
It may be worth talking to support about this too.
Thanks Anthony, you could be right. The statement below, from http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/clmhelp/v3r0m1/topic/com.ibm.jazz.install.doc/topics/c_upgrade_rqm_overview.html made me think it would be possible to merge an RQM 2.x Jazz Server to an existing 3.0.1 JTS
The second scenario assumes that you have already upgraded to Jazz Team Server version 3.0.1 for one of several reasons:
- You have already upgraded one of the other CLM products and now want to upgrade Rational Quality Manager.
- You have already upgraded the Jazz Team Server and Rational Quality Manager to version 3, and now you want to upgrade a second Rational Quality Manager version 2 server.
It is possible Brian. I'm brushing up my memory and knowledge of the 2x to 3x upgrade scenarios and will reply with some more details soon.
I do not believe you need to perform step #4 which should only be used as a last resort due to performance reasons. But,instead you should introduce a reverse proxy into your topology or use WAS virtual hosts to achieve what you would like on a single server.
1 vote
Rosa Naranjo
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER May 07 '13, 10:54 a.m.Brian, what, if any, reporting is configured for this environment? Was RQM 2.x using what is called Rational common reporting? Is RTC 3011 and JTS 3011 configured with a data warehouse at this time? Please see this topic for more information: Reporting and the Upgrade Process
Brian Fleming
May 08 '13, 2:35 p.m.Thanks for the information Rosa. They don't use Insight yet, but plan to after these upgrades. Current reporting is done through csv exports and Excel.