Jazz Library Configuring Enterprise CLM Reverse Proxies: WebSphere and IHS Plugin method Separating JTS and CCM where the JTS and CCM were originally deployed using different ports
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Configuring Enterprise CLM Reverse Proxies: WebSphere and IHS Plugin method Separating JTS and CCM where the JTS and CCM were originally deployed using different ports

This article will explain how to setup and configure an example CLM environment using WebSphere Application Server (WAS), IBM HTTP Server (IHS) and the WAS web server plugins for IHS, when the JTS and CCM are collocated and want to be redeployed such that JTS and CCM are on different servers.

In our example, we have RQM on a different server sharing the same JTS.

Table of Contents

Configuring the WebSphere and HTTP Server plugin method
Example server configuration
Prerequisites and Assumptions
Setup SSL on the IHS Server with a self-signed certificate
Enable SSL directives within the IBM HTTP Server’s configuration file (httpd.conf)
Setup SSL Handshake Between the WAS profiles and IHS
Force WAS To Honor Host Headers
Single Sign-On(SSO) with WAS
Configure WAS IHS Plug-in for CCM (Server 1)
Configure WAS IHS Plug-in for QM applications (Server 2)
Configure WAS IHS Plug-in for the JTS application (Server 3)
About the author

Configuring the WebSphere and HTTP Server plugin method

There are two methods used to deploy the WAS Web Server plugins depending on whether IHS and the WAS profiles are local or remote. To demonstrate both methods, we will assume that the JTS and CCM application server profiles are co-located with the IHS server (local), with the QM application on it’s own server (remote).  We will be moving JTS off of the local server onto a third server.

The user accessible Public URIs (and the actual servers they redirect to) will be:
https://jazzjts/qm (https://jazzrqm:9443/qm)
https://jazzjts/jts   (https://jazznewjts:9443/jts)
https://jazzjts/ccm   (https://jazzjts::9444/ccm)

We will also configure single sign-on with WAS such that a user only needs to log into one of the products and subsequent access to the other applications will not require re-authentication. The configuration will use an LDAP directory. Experienced WAS administrators will be aware that the WAS configuration steps in this guide can be carried out in different ways using “wsadmin” or the WAS Integrated Solutions console.

N.B. Note that all of the setup and configuration documented here MUST be done *before* running the JTS setup wizard to ensure that the public URIs are set correctly to the external URIs.

Example server configuration

For the purposes of this article we use two separate Windows 2008 servers configured as follows:

  • Server 1 (Host-name: jazzjts):
IBM HTTP Server already installed, listening on port 80 with the IHS Administrative console on port 8008
WAS profile with JTS, Admin and CLMHelp applications deployed (HTTPS port : 9443)
WAS profile with CCM WAR deployed (HTTPS port : 9444)

LDAP Server
  • Server 2 (Host-name: jazzrqm):
WAS profile hosting QM (HTTPS port: 9443)

Server 3
(Host-name: jazznewjts):
WAS profile hosting JTS (HTTPS port: 9443)

Server 4
(Host-name: jazzapacheds):
LDAP and Database Server

Prerequisites and Assumptions

  • Use the instructions provided in the CLM Infocenter to deploy the different applications
  • Each of the WAS profiles is configured to use LDAP domain “jazzapacheds” for authentication
  • IBM WebSphere plugin installation media is available
  • Administrative console access to each WAS profile is available
  • Username and password available for access to IHS Administrative console

N.B. Maintaining Original Public URI’s (The URI Includes original port numbers)

  1. Setup SSL on the IHS Server with a self-signed certificate
  2. N.B. Self-signed certificates should only be used for test/development scenarios. In production environments use the appropriate organizational certificates provided by a trusted certificate authority.

    Make sure the IHS Server is stopped
    Run the “gsk7cmd” utility to create a new keystore database (ihskeys.kdb) and password stash file (ihskeys.sth)

    gsk7cmd.bat -keydb -create -db ihskeys.kdb -pw secret -expire 365 -stash -type cms

      Create a self-signed certificate and add it to the the new keystore db

    gsk7cmd.bat -cert -create -db ihskeys.kdb  -label clm.example.org -expire 365 -dn "CN=clm.example.org" -default_cert yes -pw secret

  3. Enable SSL directives within the IBM HTTP Server’s configuration file (httpd.conf)
  4. Add (or uncomment) the following lines in httpd.conf, making sure that the values for the KeyFile and SSLStashFile directives match the names of the files generated in the previous section:

    LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/mod_ibm_ssl.so

    ## Uncomment for IPv6 support:
    #Listen [::]:443
    <VirtualHost *:443>
    KeyFile C:/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/ihskeys.kdb
    SSLStashFile C:/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/ihskeys.sth

  5. Setup SSL Handshake Between the WAS profiles and IHS

    N.B. This step can be scripted using the wsadmin AdminTask.createKeyStore and AdminTask.exportCertificate commands. See the attached CLMReverseProxy.py for an example.

    1. Login to the WAS Integration Solutions Console for the CCM profile.
    2. Navigate to Security -> SSL certificate and key management -> Key Stores and Certificates, create a new Key store with the following values:
      Name: ccmwaskeys
      Path: ccmwaskeys.kdb
      Type: CMSKS

    3. Click OK then Save. This will create the file <jtswasprofileroot>/etc/jtswaskeys.kdb.
    4. Navigate to SSL certificate and key management -> Key stores and certificates -> NodeDefaultKeyStore
    5. Choose “Personal certificates” from the right sidebar
    6. Check the default certificate and click Export.
    7. Specify the following values in the Export certificates pane:
      Key Store Password: WebAS (unless this has been changed)
      Select the “Key Store File” radio button
      Key File Name   ccm:waskeys.kdb    (note: You may have to enter the full path to the Key File)
      Type: CMSKS
      Password: secret

    8. Click OK.
    9. Add the certificates from the exported keystore (jtswaskeys.kdb) into the previously created IHS keystore(ihskeys.kdb).
    gsk7cmd -cert -import -db <ccmwasprofileroot>/etc/ccmwaskeys.kdb -pw secret -type cms -target ihskeys.kdb -target_pw secret -target_type cms -label default -new_label default_ccmwas

    Repeat the above steps in part 3, changing the value of each Key File Name as appropriate for the new JTS server (jtswaskeys.kdb), and QM profiles (qmwaskeys.kdb). Note: that since the new JTS and QM WAS profiles are *not* co-located with the IHS server, we  need to copy their respective keys to the IHS server after you create them and then run re-run then gsk7cmd -cert -import command for each of them

gsk7cmd -cert -import -db <ccmwasprofileroot>/etc/jtswaskeys.kdb -pw secret -type cms -target ihskeys.kdb -target_pw secret -target_type cms -label default -new_label default_jtswas
gsk7cmd -cert -import -db <ccmwasprofileroot>/etc/qmwaskeys.kdb -pw secret -type cms -target ihskeys.kdb -target_pw secret -target_type cms -label default -new_label default_qmwas

  1. Force WAS To Honor Host Headers

    N.B. This step can be scripted using the wsadmin AdminConfig.list and AdminConfig.create commands. See the attached CLMReverseProxy.py for an example.

    1. Login to the WAS Integration Solutions Console for each WAS profile and navigate to Servers -> Server Types -> WebSphere application servers -> server1
    2. Under “Container Settings” expand Web Container Settings. Choose “Web Container”.
    3. Add the following custom properties:
    trusthostheaderport = true  com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.extracthostheaderport = true


  2. Single Sign-On(SSO) with WAS
  3. Part I: Setup CCM profile for SSO and export keys

N.B. This step can be scripted using the wsadmin AdminTask.configureSingleSignon and AdminTask.exportLTPAKeys commands. See the attached CLMReverseProxy.py for an example.

    1. Login to the WAS Integration Solutions Console for the JTS WAS profile.
    2. Navigate to Global Security -> Web and SIP Security -> Single sign-on (SSO) and set the following properties:

      Domain name: jazzapacheds
      Requires SSL
    3. Click OK then Save.
    4. Navigate to Global Security,select LTPA and enter the following values:
      : secret
      Confirm Password
      : secret
      Fully qualified key file name
      : ccmssokey
    5. Click Export keys.

    6. Click OK then Save. This will create a file <ccmwasprofileroot>/ccmssokey
    7. Stop and restart the JTS profile.

    Part II: Setup JTS, QM and CCM for SSO and import CCM keys

N.B. This step can be scripted using the wsadmin AdminTask.configureSingleSignon and AdminTask.importLTPAKeys commands.

    1. Copy the ccmsokey generated above from <ccmwasprofileroot> to each of the other two servers  (JTS and RQM)  <jtswasprofileroot>/ccmssokey
    2. Login to the WAS Integration Solutions Console for the JTS WAS profile.
    3. Navigate to Global Security -> Web and SIP Security -> Single sign-on (SSO) and set the following properties:
      Domain name
      : jazzapacheds
      Requires SSL

    4. Click OK then Save.
    5. Navigate to Global Security,select LTPA and enter the following values:
      : secret
      Confirm Password
      : secret
      Fully qualified key file name
      : ccmssokey
    6. Click Import keys.
    7. Click OK then Save.
    8. Stop and restart the JTS profile.

      Repeat for the RQM server QM Profile

  1. Configure WAS IHS Plug-in for CCM (Server 1  jazzjts)
  2. We will now use the WAS Web Server Plugin install wizard to configure IHS such that all requests to https://jazzjts/ccm, is redirected to https://jazzjts:9444/jts.   As noted before, for the purposes of this example, the WAS profile to which the CCM application has been deployed is co-located on the same server as IHS. We therefore use the procedure described in Configuring a Web server and an application server profile on the same machine.

    The following steps are performed on “Server 1′ which hosts both IHS and the WAS profile hosting the CCM application.

    1. Generate the plugin configuration file

      1. Stop the CCM WAS profile.
      2. Stop IHS.
      3. Launch the Plug-ins installation wizard
      4. Clear the check box for the roadmaps and click Next.
      5. Read the license agreement and accept the agreement it if you agree to its terms. Click Next.
      6. Select “IBM HTTP Server V7” for Web server type and click Next

      7. Select WebSphere Application Server machine (local) and click Next
      8. Specify a location for the installation root directory for the plug-ins. Click Next. (Click Yes if prompted with a warning that the directory is not empty).
      9. Specify the Application Server Installation Location root directory and click Next.
      10. Select the profile that the CCM application is deployed to and click Next.

      11. Click Browse to select the configuration file for IHS, verify that the Web server port is correct, and then click Next when you are finished
      12. Specify a unique nickname for the Web server. Click Next when you are finished.

      13. Specify the location for the plugin-cfg.xml file to be generated and click Next.

      14. Click Next on the pre-installation summary panel to begin the installation. The wizard begins installing the plug-ins and configuring the Web server and the application server. Not the path of the Plug-in configuration file, which we will use later


      15. Verify the success of the installation on the Installation summary panel and click Finish to exit the wizard.
    2. Edit httpd.conf

    1. Open the IHS httpd.conf file in a text editor and verify that the following two lines have been added to the end of it.
    2. LoadModule was_ap22_module "C:IBMHTTPServerPluginsbin32bitsmod_was_ap22_http.dll"
      WebSpherePluginConfig "C:IBMHTTPServerPluginsconfigwebserver1_ccmplugin-cfg.xml"
    3. Open the generated plugin configuration file (C:IBMHTTPServerPluginsconfigwebserver1plugin-cfg.xml in this case) and modify the keyring and stashfile properties of the HTTPS Transport attributes to use the IHS keyfile and SSLStashfile.
    4. <Transport Hostname="clm.example.org" Port="9447" Protocol="https">
      <Property Name="keyring" Value="C:/IBM/HTTPServer/ihskeys.kdb"/>
      <Property Name="stashfile" Value="C:/IBM/HTTPServer/ihskeys.sth"/>
    5. Start IHS and the CCM WAS profile.
    First verify that you can access the CCM page using the “internal” URL: https://jazzjts:9444/ccm. Next verify that the IHS URL https://jazzjts/ccm displays the same page

  3. Configure WAS IHS Plug-in for the QM application (Server 2  jazzrqm)
  4. We will now use the WAS Web Server Plugin install wizard to configure IHS such that all requests to https://clm.example.org/qm are redirected to https://qmserver01.example.org:9443/qm and. As noted before, for the purposes of this example, the WAS profile to which the QM application has been deployed is *not* co-located on the same server as IHS. We therefore use the procedure in Configuring a Web server and an application server on separate machines (remote). This is similar to the procedure used for the RM and CCM applications with the exception that we will use the IHS Admin console from the QM WAS profile to propagate the plugin configuration file to the IHS server.

The following steps are performed on “Server 1′ which hosts IHS.

  1. Generate manual plugin configuration script

    1. Stop IHS.
    2. Launch the Plug-ins installation wizard on the server where IHS is installed (Server 1).
    3. Clear the check box for the roadmaps and click Next.
    4. Read the license agreement and accept the agreement it if you agree to its terms. Click Next.
    5. Select “IBM HTTP Server V7” for Web server type click Next.
    6. Select Web Server  machine (remote) and click Next.
    7. Specify the location for the installation root directory for the plug-ins. Click Next. (Click Yes if prompted with a warning that the directory is not empty)
    8. Click Browse to select the configuration file for IHS, and then click Next. Click OK when prompted that the HTTP Server configuration file already contains plugin entries.
    9. Specify a unique nickname for the Web server. Click Next when you are finished.
    10. Specify the location for the plugin-cfg.xml file and click Next.
      Note that the location for this should be different to that of the plugin configuration file previously generated for the CCM.
    11. Specify the host-name (qmserver01.example.org) of the server hosting the QM WAS profile.

    12. Click Next on the pre-installation summary panel to begin the installation. The wizard begins installing the plug-ins and configuring the Web server and the application server.
      Note the path of the Plug-in configuration file, which we will use later
    13. Once the installation completes, the wizard generates a manual configuration script which must be run on the QM server. The path to the script is displayed in the installation summary panel.
    14. Verify the success of the installation on the Installation summary panel and click Finish to exit the wizard.

  2. Edit httpd.conf

  3. We pointed the wizard to the same httpd.conf file as when we configured the JTS profile and it will have modified it to use the new plugin configuration file generated for the QM profile.
    We need to edit it to revert it to the previous configuration where it uses the plugin configuration generated for the JTS.
    Open the IHS httpd.conf file, uncomment the following two lines.
    LoadModule was_ap22_module "C:IBMHTTPServerPluginsbin32bitsmod_was_ap22_http.dll"
    WebSpherePluginConfig "C:IBMHTTPServerPluginsconfigwebserver1plugin-cfg.xml"
    and remove the following two lines:

    LoadModule was_ap22_module "C:IBMHTTPServerPluginsbin32bitsmod_was_ap22_http.dll"
    WebSpherePluginConfig "C:IBMHTTPServerPluginsconfigwebserver1_qmplugin-cfg.xml"
    Save the httpd.conf file.

    The following steps are performed on “Server 2′ (jazzrqm) which hosts the WAS profile hosting the QM application.

  4. Run manual configuration script on Server 2

  5. We now copy the manual configuration script generated above (C:ibmHTTPServerPluginsbinconfigurewebserver_qm.bat) to the <was_install_root> /bin directory on Server 2.
    If the WAS profile hosting the QM application isn’t already running start it.
    Run the  configurewebserver_qm.bat script:
    C:ibmWebSphereAppServerbin>configurewebserver_qm.bat  -profileName qm -user wasadminuser -password wasadminpassword
    Using the profile qm
    Using WebSphere admin userID wasadminuser
    WASX7209I: Connected to process "server1" on node qm using SOAP connector; 
    The type of process is: UnManagedProcess
    WASX7303I: The following options are passed to the scripting environment and are
    available as arguments that are stored in the argv variable: "[webserverqm, IHS, C:IBMHTTPServer, C:IBMHTTPServerconfhttpd.conf,
    80, MAP_ALL, C:IBMWebSpherePlugins, unmanaged, clm.example.org-node, clm.example.org, windows]"
    Input parameters:
    Web server name             - webserverqm
    Web server type             - IHS
    Web server install location - C:IBMHTTPServer
    Web server config location  - C:IBMHTTPServerconfhttpd.conf
    Web server port             - 80
    Map Applications            - MAP_ALL
    Plugin install location     - C:IBMWebSpherePlugins
    Web server node type        - unmanaged
    Web server node name        - clm.example.org-node
    Web server host name        - clm.example.org
    Web server operating system - windows
    IHS Admin port              - 8008
    IHS Admin user ID           - ""
    IHS Admin password          - ""
    IHS service name            - ""

    Start saving the configuration.

    Configuration save is complete.

  6. Propagate the QM plugin configuration file to the IHS server

  7. Login to the WAS Integration Solutions Console for the QM WAS profile.
    Navigate to Servers -> Server Types -> Web Servers
    Click “webserver_qm” and click “Remote web server management”

    Specify the Port, Username and password to allow WAS to connect to the IHS Admin console. Click OK and Save.

     Select “webserver_qm” and click “Generate Plug-in”.

    Once the plugin file has been generated, select  select “webserver_qm” and click “Propagate Plug-in”.

    If successful WAS will generate a message such as:
    InformationPLGC0062I: The plug-in configuration file is propagated from 
    to C:IBMHTTPServerPlugins/config/webserver_qm/plugin-cfg.xml on the Web server computer.
    InformationPLGC0048I: The propagation of the plug-in configuration file is complete for the Web server.
    Note the path displayed for the generated plugin configuration file on Server 1 which is the IHS Server:

  1. Configure WAS IHS Plug-in for the JTS application (Server   jazznewjts)

  1. We will now use the WAS Web Server Plugin install wizard to configure IHS such that all requests to https://clm.example.org/qm are redirected to https://qmserver01.example.org:9443/qm and. As noted before, for the purposes of this example, the WAS profile to which the QM application has been deployed is *not* co-located on the same server as IHS. We therefore use the procedure in Configuring a Web server and an application server on separate machines (remote). This is similar to the procedure used for the RM and CCM applications with the exception that we will use the IHS Admin console from the QM WAS profile to propagate the plugin configuration file to the IHS server.

    The following steps are performed on “Server 1′ which hosts IHS.

  1. Generate manual plugin configuration script

    1. Stop IHS.
    2. Launch the Plug-ins installation wizard on the server where IHS is installed (Server 1)
    3. Clear the check box for the roadmaps and click Next.
    4. Read the license agreement and accept the agreement it if you agree to its terms. Click Next.
    5. Select “IBM HTTP Server V7” for Web server type click Next.
    6. Select Web Server  machine (remote) and click Next
    7. Specify the location for the installation root directory for the plug-ins. Click Next. (Click Yes if prompted with a warning that the directory is not empty)
    8. Click Browse to select the configuration file for IHS, and then click Next. Click OK when prompted that the HTTP Server configuration file already contains plugin entries.
    9. Specify a unique nickname for the Web server. Click Next when you are finished.
    10. Specify the location for the plugin-cfg.xml file and click Next.

      Note that the location for this should be different to that of the plugin configuration file previously generated for the CCM.
    11. Specify the host-name (qmserver01.example.org) of the server hosting the JTS WAS profile.
    12. Click Next on the pre-installation summary panel to begin the installation. The wizard begins installing the plug-ins and configuring the Web server and the application server. Note the path of the Plug-in configuration file, which we will use later.

    13. Once the installation completes, the wizard generates a manual configuration script which must be run on the JTS server. The path to the script is displayed in the installation summary panel.

    14. Verify the success of the installation on the Installation summary panel and click Finish to exit the wizard.

2. Edit httpd.conf

  1. We pointed the wizard to the same httpd.conf file as when we configured the JTS profile and it will have modified it to use the new plugin configuration file generated for the QM profile. We need to edit it to revert it to the previous configuration where it uses the plugin configuration generated for the JTS.
    Open the IHS httpd.conf file, uncomment the following two lines.
    LoadModule was_ap22_module "C:IBMHTTPServerPluginsbin32bitsmod_was_ap22_http.dll"
    WebSpherePluginConfig "C:IBMHTTPServerPluginsconfigwebserver1plugin-cfg.xml"
    and remove the following two lines:

    LoadModule was_ap22_module "C:IBMHTTPServerPluginsbin32bitsmod_was_ap22_http.dll"
    WebSpherePluginConfig "C:IBMHTTPServerPluginsconfigwebserver1_jtsplugin-cfg.xml"
    Save the httpd.conf file

3. Run manual configuration script on Server 2

  1. We now copy the manual configuration script generated above (C:ibmHTTPServerPluginsbinconfigurewebserver_qm.bat) to the <was_install_root> /bin directory on Server 3.
    If the WAS profile hosting the QM application isn’t already running start it.
    Run the  configurewebserver_qm.bat script:

    C:ibmWebSphereAppServerbin>configurewebserver_jts.bat  -profileName jts -user wasadminuser -password wasadminpassword
    Using the profile jts
    Using WebSphere admin userID wasadminuser
    WASX7209I: Connected to process "server1" on node jts using SOAP connector; 
    The type of process is: UnManagedProcess
    WASX7303I: The following options are passed to the scripting environment and are
    available as arguments that are stored in the argv variable: "[webserverqm, IHS, C:IBMHTTPServer, C:IBMHTTPServerconfhttpd.conf,
    80, MAP_ALL, C:IBMWebSpherePlugins, unmanaged, jazzjts-node, jazzjts, windows]"
    Input parameters:
    Web server name             - webserverqm
    Web server type             - IHS
    Web server install location - C:IBMHTTPServer
    Web server config location  - C:IBMHTTPServerconfhttpd.conf
    Web server port             - 80
    Map Applications            - MAP_ALL
    Plugin install location     - C:IBMWebSpherePlugins
    Web server node type        - unmanaged
    Web server node name        - jazzjts-node
    Web server host name        - jazzjts
    Web server operating system - windows
    IHS Admin port              - 8008
    IHS Admin user ID           - ""
    IHS Admin password          - ""
    IHS service name            - ""

    Start saving the configuration.

    Configuration save is complete.

    4. Propagate the JTS plugin configuration file to the IHS server

    Login to the WAS Integration Solutions Console for the JTS WAS profile.
    Navigate to Servers -> Server Types -> Web Servers
    Click “webserver_jts” and click “Remote web server management”

    Specify the Port, Username and password to allow WAS to connect to the IHS Admin console. Click OK and Save.

     Select “webserver_jts” and click “Generate Plug-in”.

    Once the plugin file has been generated, select  select “webserver_qm” and click “Propagate Plug-in”.

    If successful WAS will generate a message such as:
    InformationPLGC0062I: The plug-in configuration file is propagated from 
    to C:IBMHTTPServerPlugins/config/webserver_jts/plugin-cfg.xml on the Web server computer.
    InformationPLGC0048I: The propagation of the plug-in configuration file is complete for the Web server.
    Note the path displayed for the generated plugin configuration file on Server 1 which is the IHS Server:

    5. The following steps are performed on “Server 1′ which hosts IHS.

  2. Merge plugin directives

We now need to follow the procedure in Merging plugin-cfg.xml files from multiple nodes and manually merge in the appropriate sections from the plugin configuration generated for the QM profile into the plugin configuration generated for the JTS.
Open the plugin configuration file generated when configuring the JTS profile (C:IBMHTTPServerPluginsconfigwebserver1plugin-cfg.xml in this case) in a text editor. Also open the plugin configuration file generated when configuring the QM profile (C:IBMHTTPServerPluginsconfigwebserver_qmplugin-cfg.xml in this case) in a separate text editor window.
Copy and paste the following lines
<VirtualHost Name="*:9080"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:9443"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:5061"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:5060"/>
from the webserver_qmplugin-cfg.xml  to the <VirtualHostGroup> element in webserver1plugin-cfg.xml, so that the <VirtualHostGroup> element now looks like
<VirtualHostGroup Name="default_host">
      <VirtualHost Name="*:9084"/>
      <VirtualHost Name="*:80"/>
      <VirtualHost Name="*:9447"/>
      <VirtualHost Name="*:5069"/>
      <VirtualHost Name="*:5068"/>
      <VirtualHost Name="*:443"/>
      <VirtualHost Name="*:9085"/>
      <VirtualHost Name="*:9448"/>
      <VirtualHost Name="*:5071"/>
      <VirtualHost Name="*:5070"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:9086"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:9449"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:5073"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:5072"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:9080"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:9443"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:5060"/>
<VirtualHost Name="*:5061"/>

Next copy over the <ServerCluster>, <UriGroup> and <Route> elements from the webserver1_qmplugin-cfg.xml  to the  webserver1_ccmplugin-cfg.xml, pasting them before the closing </config> tag.
Also modify the keyring and stashfile properties of the HTTPS Transport attributes for port 9443 to use the IHS keyfile and SSLStashfile.
<Transport Hostname="jazzrqm" Port="9443" Protocol="https">
<Property Name="keyring" Value="C:/IBM/HTTPServer/ihskeys.kdb"/>
<Property Name="stashfile" Value="C:/IBM/HTTPServer/ihskeys.sth"/>

Repeat for the webserver1_jtsplugin-cfg.xml to the  webserver1_ccmplugin-cfg.xml

Save the webserver1_ccmplugin-cfg.xml.
Start IHS.
First verify that you can still access the JTS page using the IHS URL https://jazz/jts.
Also verify that you can still access the QM and CCM pages using the IHS URLs https://jazz/qm and https://jazzjts/ccm respectively.
Next verify that you can access the QM page using the “internal” URL: https://qmserver01.example.org:9443/qm. and then  verify that the IHS URL https://clm.example.org/qm displays the same page.

modify the httpd.cnf file so that IHS listens on port 9443  (note: your origianl jts web profile on jazzjts (the original server) cannot be running)

  • Modify the IBM HTTP Server’s configuration file (httpd.conf) to listen on port 9443
  • (note: your origianl jts web profile on jazzjts (the original server) cannot be running)

    Change the line: 

    Listen so that it looks like this:  Listen

    and the line
    <VirtualHost *:443> so that it looks like this: <VirtualHost *:9443>

    This section should now look like this:

    LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/mod_ibm_ssl.so

    ## Uncomment for IPv6 support:
    #Listen [::]:443
    <VirtualHost *:9443>
    KeyFile C:/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/ihskeys.kdb
    SSLStashFile C:/IBM/HTTPServer/bin/ihskeys.sth

    Copy the original JTS files

    On the original server (jazzjts) go to the <jazz team server install dir> serverconf   and copy the following directories and files

    Replace the existing directories and file on the newjazzjts  server (the new JTS server) with these copied versions

    Running the JTS Setup wizard

    Now that we have URLs that are server agnostic we can run the JTS setup wizard and use these URLs when registering the applications. Here are the discovery URLs that will be used:

    Requirements Management: https://clm.example.org/rm/scr
    Quality Management: https://clm.example.org/qm/scr
    Change and Configuration Management: https://clm.example.org/ccm/scr
    Lifecycle Project Administration: https://clm.example.org/admin/scr


    1. Collaborative Lifecycle Management 3.0.1 Information Center: Fully distributed CLM enterprise topology example
    2. jazz.net: Moving Jazz Servers and URI Stability with CLM 2011
    3. Collaborative Lifecycle Management 3.0.1 Information Center: Using a reverse proxy in your topology
    4. Rational Team Concert 3.0.1 English License Agreement
    5. WebSphere 7 Information Center
    6. Using content caching proxies for Jazz Source Control
    7. Automating SSL configurations using scripting
    8. Tip: Single Sign-on using WebSphere Application Server


    Many thanks to Sudhaker Frederick from the JumpStart team who wrote the original “Part 2: Configuring Enterprise CLM Reverse Proxies: WebSphere and IHS Plugin method” paper from which this paper was derived.

    About the authors

    Mike Delargy is a member of the Global Response Team (GRT) living outside of Denver, Colorado.  The IBM Rational Support Global Response Team assists customers with complex solution planning and resolution.
    Please direct feedback and comments to msdelarg@us.ibm.com

    Sudhakar is the Sydney, Australia based member of the the Jazz Jumpstart team which is a worldwide group of development specialists who bring new and advanced Jazz-based technologies to customers.

    Mon, 15 Oct 2012