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About unreadable characters issues in RTC

Sean Lee (358) | asked May 02 '13, 11:27 p.m.
Hi, guys,
I find the default report of RTC always display unreadable characters, such as workitme by owner(see picture below). I try to change the character set to utf8, but can't resolve it. is this a defect?

Server Environment:RTC 4.0.1 (zh-cn)+ WAS 8.5 + Oracle 11gR2(utf8)
Client Environment:Firefox 16/20.1 IE8/9

Thanks for any idea

2 answers

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Indradri Basu (1.8k1514) | answered May 03 '13, 12:35 a.m.
Hi Sean, it is difficult to pin point why you are observing this behavior but WAS 8.5 is not supported and applications can show unexpected behavior if deployed in an unsupported version. Please refer to the Application Server section of the System Requirements. You may want to install the applications on WAS 8.0.x.

Sean Lee commented May 06 '13, 11:36 p.m.

thanks, I'll try on the WAS 8.0.

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered May 03 '13, 1:28 a.m.
Hi, Sean

There are some check points you can try first to exclude other possibility.
1) Are you sure your RTC server has Simplified Chinese language pack installed and locale is set to China?
(what is OS? we see similar issue for other Chinese users who have RTC server on English version of AIX and there is no Chinese language pack installed on the OS)

2) Whether Simplified Chinese was installed when installing RTC via Installation Manager. If your OS is Simplified Chinese, by default, it should check Simplified Chinese.

3) Is your browser set Chinese language(zh-cn) on the top?

4) In Eclipse client, connect to the project area and go to reports>report template, right click on the report temple
(workitme by owner in your case) and open the property. Check if you have under resources.

If everything is clear, then you may need to try on the supported version of WAS as suggested by Indradri.

Sean Lee commented May 06 '13, 11:44 p.m.

Thank you for your detailed answers. i'll verify the above points and post the result back here.

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