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Can we edit a 'Calculated Value' attribute and make the changes stay as it is?

Shuchita Tripathi (31436595) | asked Feb 06 '17, 6:01 a.m.


This question is in continuation with my previous one.

I have a description field which is calculated based on value of an enumeration. (Code written in the previous question).
The content of description field is something like this.

Description of the Issue:
How it was found:
Steps to reproduce:

Now, I want users to enter their observation in description. System is allowing me to edit the description field.
However as soon as I save it, all the information is gone and the description field is again set to the one written above.

I know the script which I have written sets the Description field to the value I have given. But is there any way to keep that value as well as the changes done?

RTC v 6.0.2

Accepted answer

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Dinesh Kumar B (4.1k413) | answered Feb 06 '17, 6:11 a.m.
edited Feb 06 '17, 6:13 a.m.

HI Suchita,

The return value should include the previous your description.

Read the older description using : var old_description = workItem.getValue( WorkItemAttributes.DESCRIPTION);

Append this value to the return : return old_description + calculated_enum_val;

hope this helps.

Regards, Dinesh

Shuchita Tripathi selected this answer as the correct answer

Shuchita Tripathi commented Feb 07 '17, 3:48 a.m.

Thank you Dinesh. You have helped me a lot!! :)

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