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DOORS 9.5 and DM 4.0.1: can we create links from DOORS to DM artifact via OSLC?

Frank Ning (50025119133) | asked Mar 30 '13, 12:19 a.m.
edited Mar 30 '13, 1:25 a.m.

I understand that the inside DOORS, we can create links to test plan or test cases. In RQM, we can create links to requirements in DOORS.

Regarding RM and DM, it seems that the link is one directional. That is, we can create links within RM or DM to requirements in DOORS.

Are we able to create links with DOORS to requirements in RM or design artifacts in DM?

Basically, inside DOORS, I would like to define links to design artifacts to indicate which design artifacts inside Rational DM will cover the design of the requirements in DOORS.  That is, in DOORS, I would like to create "Derives" link to some design artifact in Rational DM on Jazz platform.

Is this some kind of DOORS enhancement request or DM enhancement request?

Thanks and regards

2 answers

permanent link
Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Mar 30 '13, 10:20 a.m.
All links between DM and RM (with either DOORS or the Jazz RM application DOORS NG / RRC) are stored in DM. All of these RM tools query DM to find out what links exist and represent the links in the RM tool UI.  This has been done to simplify the user experience (permissions needed in the RM tools are less) and to simply the implementation (there is no potential for back links to get out of sync, since there are no back links).  

The above behavior is independent of which tool UI (DM or a RM tool) you use to create the links to the other tool's project area.

Also note that this has been an active area of development over the last two years; with DM V3 indeed there was only a one-way link from DM to an RM tool; this has been expanded (as I recall) in the DM V4.0.1 and RM V4.0.1 / DOORS 9.5 implementations.  The most recent DOORS 9.5 fix pack includes important performance improvements related to the process of querying the DM application.

Frank Ning commented Mar 30 '13, 10:54 a.m.

Hi Daniel,

Sorry, I could not get you whole point. Please let me simple ask the following question:

How can I link to an element inside Rational DM from a requirement inside Rational DOORS?

As mentioned, I can do the linking for a Req in DOORS to a test case/plan in RQM, or reference a requirement in RRC. I just don't know if we can do the linking from DOORS requirement to RDM. I know the other direction: linking an element in RDM to a requirement in DOORs.

Jin Zhou commented Mar 31 '13, 10:47 p.m.

Hi, Frank

It's possible to create OSLC link from Doors to artifact inside of DM project area.

You should configure Doors server side to add DM server to the remote services list

Please refer to

Also dont forget to perform below operation as well.


Jin Zhou commented Apr 01 '13, 12:05 a.m.

Hi, Daniel

The info you explained above is also helpful to me.

I have a customer mentioned that the OSLC links they created from DM side won't be instantly shown from Doors client. Usually, they need wait for couple of minutes and reopen the doors project then they can see the OSLC link from Doos client.  Do you see this is problematic phenomenon or work as designed?

By the way,can I double check the Doors version with you? The bi-direction link between DM and Doors is started to be supported from Doors v 9.5 /RDM 4.0.1, right?

Thank You

Jin Zhou commented Apr 01 '13, 1:06 a.m.

Hi, Daniel

Sorry, I have an additional question.

You mentioned RM query DM in order to check and retrieve the link informatio and represent the links from RM tool UI.

I understand this tool behaviour, I want to further check with you what's the timig the query would be called/executed. I think when lauch Doors client UI or reopen the Doors module, the query would be executed. Is that possible to make the query run on schedule on intervals for the purpose to reflesh the UI info without reopening the module?

Thank You

permanent link
Jin Zhou (591619) | answered Apr 02 '13, 9:08 p.m.

I paster some info coming from Daniel in order to benefit more Jazz users.

The query for retrieving the link info from DM is executed when user open Doors client.

The info would be stored in client cache, and by default the cache would timeout in 5 mins.

After 5 mins, if doors client opened by another user, the query woud be called again and refreshed the cache info.


Thank you for help again, Daniel

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