Configure Rational Insight Jobs for multiple Jazz servers
I have Rational Insight (V configured for one Jazz server, with JFS, RTC, RQM and RRC connections and jobs.
I need to load data from a second Jazz server. I have setup separate XML ODBC connections to the second Jazz server, and I can change each Data Manager job to use the second connection for JFS, RTC, RQM and RRC jobs.
However, I need to be able to run against both Jazz servers. I don't see any way to use a varable for the job Data Source connections. I could create a copy of each job, and have one a set of jobs for each Jazz server, but that would be difficult to maintain, especially as I will need to customize jobs.
What is the recommended method to confiure Rational Insight for multiple Jazz servers?
3 answers
In this case you should combine your data into a single set of XDC files. The ETL jobs will iterate over each of the connections in the XDC file so that data from both Jazz servers are included. Make sure, however, that when you add the new repository connection into the XDC file that the GUID in your combined file is updated to match the server UUID or the ETL's will potentially insert duplicate data into your warehouse.
I searched and wasn't able to find explicit instructions on doing this on - I have instructions I've written up for my team on doing this, I'll look into publishing these as an article.
I received details from Jackie on how to do this. The following are the details:
Rational provides the CLM XDC files as a downloadable option from the CLM server administration area. (http://host:port/jazz/admin or http://host:port/jts/admin)
You can download the "Configuration Files for Rational Reporting Data Sources" which will be a zip file containing the related XDC files. Depending on which product(s) you integrate with, you may have to do this multiple times for JTS, QM, CCM, and RRC XDC's.
By default, the downloaded XDC file will only have the connection information for the repository that you downloaded it from. Also, by default the ID and password in the files will be set from the information stored in the CCM server also. The data collection user and password are set here, so if you have changed the password since then and not updated the data collection user password on your server, the password in your XDC files will probably need to be updated also.
If you are only integrating Insight with this CLM server, you're done and the XDC files are ready to use as-is. However, our team has multiple JTS, RTC, and RQM servers that we will integrate with the same Insight server so we have to customize the default XDC files to handle this. Also, by default the names are not very intuitive/meaningful so we've had to make updates to help make things easier to administer.
First, we renamed the default 'BUILD_CCM' to 'BUILD_CCM jazz04_9443' to help know which repository we are connected to. Also, you'll see in this case it had 'BUILD_CCM' and 'BUILD_CCM2'
because this JTS was integrated with 2 repositories. We don't need to keep/maintain two different definitions so we'll delete the second one and use the main 'BUILD_CCM' as the master. Next, we'll add a new Resource Group for each repository that we want to connect to, and link each new Resource Group to the additional definition.
Also by default, when you add a new resource group the XML Data Configuration tool will automatically generate a GUID for your connection. The terms GUID and UUID are interchangeable - basically it's a unique identifier.
This default GUID isn't good - Insight expects a consistent GUID for the pieces that are related (JTS, Workitem, Build, SCM) - so we have to manually update this value in the XDC file to be consistent. To find the correct GUID/UUID of each repository and/or JTS you can use this URL, replaced with the correct host/port combination: https://<host>:<port>/jazz/rpt/repository/generic?
Anyway, once you figure out the GUID, you will have to manually edit each XDC file in wordpad or notepad (not in the XML Data Configuration tool - GUID isn't editable here) to change to the correct value. Depending on which file you're updating, it expects a different extension on the end which is basically the GUID with the type appended at the end, like: _guidWORKITEM, _guidBUILD, _guidSCM or _guidJFS.
Here's an example in notepad. You find the 'ResourceGroup' section and look for the connections you have renamed to help make things clearer. In here, you update the guid section with the correct GUID value for each repository, as well as the suffix that matches which XDC file you're in. This example is build301.xdc so we've used BUILD.
Once you save this and re-open the file in XML Data Configuration, you will now see that the GUID matches the value you manually set in the file.
Once you have fixed up all the repositories in all XDC files, they are ready to use in your Insight server!