Why does Cognos Reporting Studio give the error "The required parameter 'ui.gateway' was not specified. Launch can not complete".
I do following:
Open my project in ccm/web
- go to Reporting Menu
-- Perform Additional Reporting Tasks
--- Customize report definitions using Report Studio
Then the "Select a package (Naviagte)" page of Cognos appears.
- I open public Folder "Reporting Data Models" and
-- select "Reporting Data Model (DW)"
And then I get the Error:
==>> "The required parameter 'ui.gateway' was not specified. Launch can not complete".
Interesting is, if I start "Cognos Command" out of "Perform Additional Reporting Tasks" and launch "Report Studio" out of the "Launch" menu in "Cognos Command", I'm able to select same package and Report Studio is opening with no problems.
Any idea which parameter is not correctly set? Either in Cognos Configuration or in Cognos Command or somewhere else?
My environment:
- Windows 2008-R2
- WAS with IHS and Plugin
- DB2 9.7.7
- Jazz/CLM V.4.0.1
- RRDI 2.0.1
- All on one single OS Instance
- Five WAS profiles (JTS/CCM/QM/RM/RationalReporting).
Accepted answer
Hi Guido - this is a known issue in CLM 4.0.1 - see Unable to launch the Cognos Report Studio from within the CLM Web UI (243686). The problem will be fixed in 4.0.3. In the meantime, you can use the workaround you described to launch report studio from Cognos instead.