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Where is localhost url coming from when linking reports in email from Cognos?

Michael Walker (99215201157) | asked Oct 02 '13, 3:57 p.m.
We setup some of our reports to be emailed out and selected to have a link included as well as to have the report attached.  When we get the email both options specify localhost instead of the server name and thus fail to launch the report.

Where is this parameter set in Cognos?

One answer

permanent link
Michael Walker (99215201157) | answered Oct 02 '13, 7:57 p.m.
I figured it out.  Values in Cognos Config were localhost.  I thought I had set them to the servername awhile back.

Jackie Albert commented Oct 17 '13, 10:34 a.m.

I've noticed that every time I upgrade these get reset back to 'localhost' so that's something to look out for in future upgrades.

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