Configuring the XDC files
I am working on CLM 4.0.1 and integrating with Rational Insight Following the infocenter help (
While configuraing the XDC files, i am getting the following error when the Authentication type is QAuth JTS. But there is no error while selecting the authentication type is BASIC or Form. I am not sure how do i get the consumer key and secret.
5 answers
unless you have a specific reason for using OAuth JTS authentication, you can set:
Authentication Type= Form
User name / Password = details of a JTS user with JazzAdmin repository permissions and the data collector licenses assigned.
Best Regards
Hi Francesco/Ali,
I am not able to setup and integrate the insight with CLM. Here with I attached complete log with the screenshot, please help.
Testing the CLM job streams
I am not sure about the connection details When i select the "cognos data source" and click on Data Source name, i get this error. But works fine when i select DB2
For the connection details:
you should use ODBC, and select the corresponding system ODBC data source that you created as in Configuring the XDC files - Installing the XML data configuration files (for Windows)
The key value can be found at this page:
Which translates to the Servers > Consumers (Inbound) on your JTS Admin page.
The key can be found adjacent to the consumer.
The secret value would be known by whoever ran the Insight/RRDI setup application.
This is the error message when i try to test the CLM job Stream
Data Manager v10.1.6235.143 -- (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 1999, 2012
jobstream -- start run on mapanda3 (18-Aug-2013 20:46:25)
[PROGRESS - 20:46:26] Accessing catalog
[PROGRESS - 20:46:45] Exporting required components
[PROGRESS - 20:46:48] Catalog banner -> COGNOS INTERNAL USE ONLY
[PROGRESS - 20:46:49] JobStream 'RTC4.0.3'; starting
[PROGRESS - 20:46:50] JobStream Node 2 'JFS_ODS4.0.3_DeltaLoad'; executing (pi
d 9512)
Exception in thread "main" java.sql.SQLException:
ception.ETLException: com.ib
m.rational.dataservices.client.auth.AuthenticationException: CRRRE1417E: The HTT
P status '401' and the message is 'Unauthorized'.
[PROGRESS - 20:51:47] pid 9512 JobStream Node 2 'JFS_ODS4.0.3_DeltaLoad'; repo
rted the following:
(for details, see ..\datamanager\log\Job_JFS_ODS4_0_3_DeltaLoad_0007.log)
[PROGRESS - 20:51:47] JobStream Node 2 'JFS_ODS4.0.3_DeltaLoad'; failed
[PROGRESS - 20:51:47] Done - 0 00:05:22 elapsed
[PROGRESS - 20:51:47] JobStream 'RTC4.0.3' Failed
jobstream -- failed (18-Aug-2013 20:51:47)
Press Enter to continues
also check that the CLM user that you configured in the xdc files (or that is associated to the OAuth key if you use that authentication method) has the data collector licenses assigned and JazzAdmin repository permissions (if not a functional user through OAuth key).
Best Regards