Cannot Create or Modify a Customized Artifact in RRC (Rational Requirements Composer)
I am having trouble creating or modifying a certain customized artifact type in RRC. Any ideas how I figure out what is wrong with this artifact type?
Here is what I have tried to this point. In trying to figure out why I cannot do this, I have tried to export them as a ReqIF Definition, but I cannot download and view them. Is there another way to look at this customized artifact type to find the problem?
One answer
If you can export at least one existing Artifact using ReqIF, you can look at the XML data to see what Data types, Attributes, and Artifacts are contained in the "AT" Artifact type. The process is as follows:
1) Create a ReqIF definition and include at least one of the Artifacts with this issue
2) Download the ReqIF (.reqifz) file after exporting it from the definition.
3) Rename the .reqifz file extension to .zip using a MS-Windows operating system
4) Open the .zip archive in Windows and copy the "Requirements.reqif" file to your desktop
5) Locate and install "Notepad++" from an Internet Search Query on your windows computer
6) Open the "Requirements.reqif" file with Notepad++ and set the language to "XML"
7) In Notepad++, you can now look at the Datatypes (String, Lists, etc.), Spec-Types (Attributes), and Spec-Objects (Artifacts)
The collapsed XML view looks like:
<REQ-IF ....>
Richard Stewart
Aug 30 '13, 12:56 p.m.Are you having trouble creating the Artifact Type, or creating and editing artifacts of this custom type?
Cory Tanner
Aug 30 '13, 12:58 p.m.I am having trouple creating or editing artifacts of an artifact type.
My-An Nguyen
Aug 30 '13, 2:14 p.m.So:
- You cannot create or edit artifacts of a certain type (let's call it type "AT")
- Can you create or edit artifacts of other types?
- Can different user create or edit artifacts of the type "AT"?
- If you go to Manage Project Properties > Artifact Types tab, do you see that type "AT"? Is there anything odd about it?
Stef van Dijk
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 30 '13, 2:17 p.m.Hi Cory,
Could you be more specific about what precisely is not working?
If you go to "Manage Project Properties", is your custom artifact type appearing correctly there? Does it specify any artifact attributes, and if so, do those attributes look to be ok?
When you then go to create a new artifact of that type:
is it not appearing in the list of artifact types to choose from?
are you getting an error from the creation dialog that opens?
some other symptom?
What type of Repository Permissions do you have (ie, JazzAdmins, JazzUsers, etc)?
What type of Rational Requirements Composer license do you have?
Are you a member of the project?
Cory Tanner
Aug 30 '13, 2:19 p.m.So:
-Yes I can.
-No. I have had four different administrators take a look at creating or editing an artifact of this "AT" type
-I have gone into the Manage Project Properties and "AT" does not seem any different than the other artifact types I have created.
Cory Tanner
Aug 30 '13, 2:26 p.m.So I go into "Manage Project Properties" and I see everything about the artifact type. The artifact attributes all seem to be okay.
When I go to create a new artifact of that type it just sits at saving and never finishes.
When I hover over the artifact id, it gives me an error. the erro states:
Error 500: Internal Server Error
Error rendering java server page: /comibm/rdm/fronting/server/compact/internal/html/resources/text.jsp: java.lang.NullPointerException (More info found at entry [d1186496d56d029f] in the RM application server log)
Requirements Management/4.0.1
Stef van Dijk
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 30 '13, 2:55 p.m.Are you using IE9?
Cory Tanner
Aug 30 '13, 2:59 p.m.No. Firefox 16.0.2
Stef van Dijk
FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 30 '13, 3:10 p.m.I think we're reaching the point that in order to be able to investigate this it may be necessary to go through IBM Support. We're likely going to need the server log files, possibly a project template and maybe run some type system verification tools.
@nguyenm do you agree or do you have any other thoughts?
Cory Tanner
Aug 30 '13, 3:13 p.m.I think you may be right.
My-An Nguyen
Aug 30 '13, 3:17 p.m.I agree with Stef.
Since other users also fail to create artifacts of that type, and new artifact types cannot be created, there is something wrong with that project that perhaps our tools could address.