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Some folders not included in the context of a RRC baseline

Luiz Esmiralha (123) | asked Jul 29 '13, 8:44 a.m.
We are creating a RRC 4.0.1 baseline and most of the folders are not included in the baseline. All the artifacts are included in the baseline, but not the folder they are contained in. Is this an expected behavior?

2 answers

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Antoinette Iacobo (650712) | answered Jul 29 '13, 10:06 a.m.
No, this is not expected.  The baseline should copy all the folders and subfolders. 
Does this problem happen with just this project or all projects? 
After the baseline gets created, do you see any errors in the jts.log or rm.log? 
It doesn't look like a problem with the permission in creating the baseline itself, but are there any particular permissions on these individual folders, and if you were to try with a user that had none, then does it include them all?  

Luiz Esmiralha commented Jul 31 '13, 5:48 a.m.

No individual permissions set on files or folders. We have only one project area in this server so I Cant test if it happens in other projects. I will examine the logs and post the results. Thank you for your help.


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Erica Tran (1.4k7) | answered Jul 31 '13, 4:26 p.m.

The folders in the baseline should always match the folders in the project at the time the baseline is taken.  I wonder if there are problems or maybe some corruption with the folder since it does not display properly in the baseline.  Do you see any problems with folders in the current version of the project?

You could use the following to describe an artifact who's parent folder isn't displaying properly in the baseline. 


To get the <artifactUID> open the artifact in RRC web.  In the web browsers address bar you should be able to find the UID of the artifact. It will look something like this _SYitHUYfEeGJF8TTfvPqAg

This will return XML data and it should display the parent folder.  If the parent folder value is unexpected, this may be an issue.

I hope this helps.

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