Problem fetching user roles: CRJAZ0737I More than one user with the id ... is present in the external user directory.ID CRJAZ1527E
2 answers
During setup or in https://<yourserver>:<port>/jts/admin->Advance Properties, you will find the
userId=uid,name=cn,emailAddress=mail, here uid,cn and mail are your LDAP server attributes, none of which should be null and collectively produces an unique user definition. This also matters on how your LDAP is setup as most of the organizations create their own custom attributes. Your LDAP administrators should be able to help you much better on this.
Faaris Alvarez
May 21 '13, 4:03 p.m.Reaching out to my LDAP Administrator for assistance. Our LDAP is based on IBM Lotus Notes environment. Will update our modifications.
Bo Chulindra
JAZZ DEVELOPER May 21 '13, 4:08 p.m.I think the error may be possible if your JTS has case-insensitive user ID set to true but your LDAP is case-sensitive. For example, if the users foo and FOO are in your LDAP and JTS is doing case-insensitive matching, then both will return in the result when searching for foo.
However, the JTS by default is case-sensitive, so some admin would have had to have changed it which seems unlikely.