Error Using SQL Server 2008 R2 database for Rational Insight Setup
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My Configurations are as follows:
I have installed Following packages
1. IBM Rational Reporting
1.1 IBM rational Reporting for development intelligence
1.2 IBM Rational Insight
After successful installation i have started
start > Programs > IBM Rational Reporting Server> Start IBM Rational Reporting Server Setup
After setting URI and admin account , From the Rational Reporting setup wizard i have selected Set Up Rational Insight Scenario
On the Configure Database management System Tab
Step 1: Configure database vendor : SQl server 2008
Step 2: Copy JDBC File: <path of the JDBC driver>
click to copy message displayed: The driver was copied successfully.
On the Tab Configure Content Store database
Host: localhost (Enable to create the local database option checked)
Port: 1433
Database Name: RICM
Database Admininstrator: sa
Password: ******
Table Space Location: <path to the database tables directory of same SQL Server instance>
SQL Server with Windows Integrated Security option checked
My SQL Server Configuration are as follows
Version: SQL Server Enterprise Edition 2008 R2
Server is running and username sa is able to login with Admin Credentials under the SQL Server Authentication mode
I am also able to create New Database Manually using the same Credentials.
11 answers
This DLL file is distributed with the MS SQL JDBC Driver at:
auth\x64\sqljdbc_auth.dll (64-bit)
auth\x86\sqljdbc_auth.dll (32-bit)
Hi Xuan
Thank you for your valuable answer. I have configured the SQL JDBC Driver 4.0 and now able to connect with the SQL Server.
On the next Tab Configure Data Warehouse the following issues are there.
Process Progress
Error Snap
If i will not check the option Enable to create the local database than the following error has occur
Hi Xuan- thank you again for your valuable answers.
Now i am have fixed the above issues and moved to the Configure Application server Profile Tab
I did not found the folder called appserver in my installation directory
1) Should i have to install the WebSphere Application Server separately or it will be installed automatic during the installation of IBM rational Insight package ?.
BTW - make sure you are using the same architecture of your WAS and Insight, see BOLD text in this panel.
- WAS log, [WAS Location]\profiles\RationalReporting\logs\RationalReportingServer\
- Setup log, [Insight Location]\setup\logs\
- Cognos log [Insight Location]\cognos\logs\
Hi Xuan- there are lots of log files available into the log folders in the location as u mentioned. Should i post all the logs here or is there any option to attach the log files ?.
-Thanking You
Can you upload your log file to somewhere (i.e.,
Hi Xuan- Files are uploaded to as a public, named as follows
RRDI setup
These file are also available to
You will also find a PDF file " IBM Rational Insight Installation Steps " which contains the steps that i have followed during the installation of IBM Rational Insight.
Hi Xuan- I am using IBM WebSphere Server Version I think this can be a problem of this issue...!!
Hi Rahul - I have not got chance to check your LOG files today. Yes, I'd like you upgrade your WAS to which is fully tested version.
Hi Rahul - The log file is not depends on the missing - right?
In you log, I can see the following errors:
1. CRRRD4768E: The database has the incorrect Collation setting. The current value is SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, but the expected value is CS.
If the DB is pre-existed (i.e., created by MSSQL Tool), you need change the setting by SQLServer management Studio else the DW connection may failed
2. CRRRD4757E: Error granting permissions for the schema objects.
You should not input RPTUSER as the report user because RPTUSER is not a valid system user (mixed SQLServer auth.) or DB account
3. CRRRD4780E: The schema RR_DW is not empty. No objects can exist under this schema. Drop all objects before continuing.
Please don't use schema prefix (it is used for DB2 for zSeries)
1. Drop all the temporary database (RIDW_NEW, RIDW_NEW1, RIDW_NEW2...)
2. Ceate a new one using MS SQL Server management Studio
3. Change the Collation setting to CS
4. Run Insight Setup, create related schemas