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How to create Dependent Enumeration with "Custom Enumeration" as a Source Attribute and "Type" as the Dependent Enumeration ?

Accepted answer

here is from my 4.0.1 deployment for type Defect.
<configuration-data xmlns="http://com.ibm.team.workitem/workitemTypes" final="false" id="com.ibm.team.workitem.configuration.workItemTypes">
<type category="com.ibm.team.workitem.workItemType" icon="processattachment:/workitemtype/bug.gif" id="defect" name="Defect">
<alias name="bug"/>
so, you will have to make another Enum.
then you can do the normal dependent enum configuration

Do you mean that in v4 we can not create the dependent enumerations with Out of box features or UI?

Dependent Enumeration attribute customization has always been designed to take one enumeration as input and another enumeration as dependent output. It is not designed to allow to have an enumeration dependent from more than one input enumeration. It is not designed to support other types than enumerations as input or output. If you want custom behavior, you would have to create a custom extension, which can be done.

Ah, ok
Actually i am facing a strange issue. I migrated RTC instance from V3 to V
Now on new version
1. None of the Date field is getting saved. i am not sure how to respond this.
2. Out of all only 1 dependent enumeration is not showing anything in value set. if i try to update and save and then refresh and come back... its still not working... the source value is going to some different field which is not used on the work item type.
Please help

Here is the link for one of the above problem.

This has nothing to do with the above question and should not be discussed in this context, to not confuse other users.

I overlooked the reference to the dependent enumeration not working. However, please stick to your other question and consider creating a support PMR, because I can only assume this is an upgrade issue.

The problem of dependent enumerations might be related with this. if not i will post another question.
However please suggest on Dates issue on the other link given.

Pradnya, can you update your upgrade related question with the detail about the enumeration, please?
One other answer