Dates not getting saved on RTC Post migration from V3 to V4

I have yet another question on dates issue that is happening with RTC post migration from v3 to v4
I have a work item type containing around 12-15 different dates. i.e. timestamp fields. on V3 all was working fine. 3 weeks back we upgraded to v4. now the problem is as follows.
i create a work item and fill around 5 date fields with some text, string, description fields. i save the record. it gets saved in default workflow state. now i refresh the page and i see that all dates are missing but the fields other than dates are available and stored properly.
I enter all dates again and save the record with no change in any other field, workflow etc. now when i refresh the page these dates are saved.
I am not sure what is the issue and how to resolve this. please help :(
Aradhya K
JAZZ DEVELOPER Nov 14 '13, 11:01 p.m.Can you tell us exact version of V4 RTC you have upgraded to??
Pradnya Raste
Nov 21 '13, 8:28 a.m.Now the problem has become worse, at any place, any date field is not getting uploaded from any location by anyone.
I checked at 2 different offices in Pune, 1 at bangalore and 1 at toronto as well. but problem is same everywhere.
I was on and moved to it is a simple configuration of a timestamp field which is now post migration not saving any value in any of such field. All drop downs, text etc fields are working but only timestamp is not getting saved at all.