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Prevent save of test case in RQM

sneha bate (1731013) | asked Feb 19 '13, 7:26 a.m.
retagged Feb 20 '13, 9:35 a.m. by Laura Kuczarski (21137)

How can i prevent user to save test case in retired state when its execution result is 'Failed' in RQM 4.0.1.

What i have to do is to allow user to save test case in retired state only if its execution result is 'pass'.

Can anyone help me in this??

One answer

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Rajat Singh (59833545) | answered Feb 20 '13, 1:33 a.m.
In RQM 4.0.1 there is a pre-condition that disallows saving of test case with state Approved or Retired.
You can find this by navigating to Admin->Manage the Project Area->Preconditions & Follow-up Actions:

Hope this helps!!

Best Regards

sneha bate commented Feb 20 '13, 3:19 a.m.

Hi Rajat,

Thank you for your reply.

I know that there is precondition for disallow saving in Approved and retired state.
but i want to disallow user to save test case in retired state when execution result is failed.
And when execution result is "Passed" then user is allowed to save test case in retired state.

Sneha Bate

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