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RTC 4.0.1 to Doors 9.4

vinay kumar nukala (4236772) | asked Feb 12 '13, 5:41 a.m.
retagged Feb 12 '13, 12:20 p.m. by Ralph Earle (25739)
I have done complete integration for RTC 4.0.1 to doors 9.4 and its working fine for me.

Now, I have re-installed the  RTC 4.0.1, and when i am trying to integrate the rtc 4.0.1 to doors 9.4

the doors user interface is saying a url with https://hostname:9443/ccm/rootservices  is already registered and it is not allowing me to integrate please help me....

One answer

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John Carolan (71616) | answered Sep 04 '13, 11:31 a.m.
It may be that friendsconfig.rdf still contains a reference to the old RTC 4.0.1 installation.

See the following references for details:

I hope that helps


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