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epic progress/estimate does add up to 100%

Lewis Tsao (2174963) | asked Sep 12 '13, 11:46 a.m.

I have 1 epic with 2 children stores (8 pts and 13pts) and one story has child task 4 hours.

In plan view, the epci progress says

progress: 0/21pts estimated 75% <- why not 100%?

progress: 0/4hrs estimated: 100% <- OK, appears correct

what's missing?

Kevin Ramer commented Sep 12 '13, 12:42 p.m.

Do any of the child work items have value in Time Spent ?  I think that will dial back the overall estimates.

Accepted answer

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Marek Siekierski (817510) | answered Sep 12 '13, 1:52 p.m.
Here is the explanation regarding estimate % :

estimate % is the average of the plan items estimated % and the execution items estimated %

Estimate = ( [% plan items estimated] + [% execution items estimated] ) / 2

With 1 Estimated Story (plan item) and 1 non-estimated task (execution item):
plan items estimated % = 100 (1/1)
execution items estimated % = 50 (1/2) - the denominator here includes the story item as well
average =  (100 + 50 ) / 2 = 75%

The question on why denominator in execution items % calculation is under debate but for now its included.

The top level plan item being considered in estimate calculation is something under discussion or rather a debate.
An enhancement 
193444: Story progress should not include itself
already exists.  Though this is raised for Story work item, it applies to all top level plan items.

I would suggest you review this Enhancement and if you find it relevant, comment and continue discussions directly there.

There is also a forum post on this :

Hope this helps!
Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Chandra Prakash k (21215) | answered Aug 18 '16, 12:53 a.m.
 Hi Marek Siekierski,

I have tried the above expression to get the estimated value on Epic. But i haven't successful on calculating the estimate in EPIC WI.

Please explain process to calculate estimated value in EPIC workitem using the below use case. 

Use Case:
We have a stories under an epic, story has 5 tasks as a children, all tasks were estimated and has some time spent values as below.

- Epic (Progress - 0/5pts | 10/50hrs    Estimated: 93% )
    - Story 1 (Progress - 0/5pts | 10/50hrs    Estimated: 100% ) and Status: In Progress
          - Task 1 (Status: In Progress,  Estimate - 10 h , time spent - 2 h )
          - Task 2 (Status: In Progress,  Estimate - 10 h , time spent - 2 h )
          - Task 3 (Status: In Progress,  Estimate - 10 h , time spent - 2 h )
          - Task 4 (Status: In Progress,  Estimate - 10 h , time spent - 2 h )
          - Task 5 (Status: In Progress,  Estimate - 10 h , time spent - 2 h )

We can see story has Estimated as 100%, but how EPIC workitem progress bar shows estimated as 93% ?  

Thanks in advance.

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