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Filed Against Attribute not appearing in OSLC Create Dialog RTC 6.0.2

Richard Good (872860) | asked Sep 17 '18, 6:27 a.m.


Having trouble creating a defect in RTC (6.0.2) from DOORS via DWA, the form comes up, but there is no filedAgainst attribute, which is sad because it is a mandatory field. The field is specified against all work item types in the section of the Editor Presentations, other stuff from there is presented as required, but the Filed Against section is not there. Stuck, where should I look, what should I do ?

Cheers (thanks for any pointers)


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Matt Muller (59813674) | answered Sep 17 '18, 7:31 a.m.

Hi Richard,

What is the "Change Management Type Binding" on your RTC Project for defect = ?

What is the "Inline Work Item Editor" specified against "Defect" work item in "Types and Attributes"

Check the layout of the Editor Presentation ""



Richard Good commented Sep 17 '18, 8:55 a.m.

Hi Matt,

Change Management Type Binding is as expected, defect, change request, task etc

And the inline editor stuff is getting through except where the attribute corresponds to a drop down/  choice element, Found In, Owned By, Filed Against are all missing everything except for the type dropdown at the top of the dialog which is superfluous as you can select New <Work Item Type> from DOORS. Thanks for the reply and hope you are keeping well!


Matt Muller commented Sep 17 '18, 9:25 a.m. | edited Sep 17 '18, 9:25 a.m.

Doing ok thanks - is the inline editor set to = ""

 for defect?

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