Is it possible to take a snapshot of Project Area in RTC?
3 answers
Hi Girish,
It's not possible to take a snapshot of a PA only the workspace. Snapshots are useful for capturing the state of a workspace, and are typically used to record important workspace configurations so that they can be recreated.
It's not possible to take a snapshot of a PA only the workspace. Snapshots are useful for capturing the state of a workspace, and are typically used to record important workspace configurations so that they can be recreated.
Hi Alex
Thank you for your response
I am currently working a migration project where a project area can contains many streams and snapshots etc.If there is any issue during the migration i am having to start the entire migration again to be able to debug the problem.
Can you advise if there is an alternate way to bring my Project Area back to a certain time ?
Girish Mohite
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Aug 01 '13, 3:08 p.m.Do you just want to restore the stream states, or do you want to restore the state of all of the artifacts in the project area (plans, work items, etc.)?