Can a workitem in RTC support more than 1 Approvals ?

One answer

Hi Prasad,
You should be able to add multiple approvals at any state. Can you describe what you're seeing when you try to add multiple approvals (what is preventing you from adding multiple approvals)? I'm wondering if you're accidentally changing the type of an existing approval you've added instead of clicking the approval type next to New.
You should be able to add multiple approvals at any state. Can you describe what you're seeing when you try to add multiple approvals (what is preventing you from adding multiple approvals)? I'm wondering if you're accidentally changing the type of an existing approval you've added instead of clicking the approval type next to New.

Hi Lauren,
Yes I am able to add multiple approvals in a particular state.
But it allows me to map only one workflow action in Approvals tracking .

Hi Prasad,
I misunderstood your question the first time. I'm not very familiar with how to do this. I did some searching around, and Geoffrey says in that you can create a custom precondition to require multiple approvals.

Thank you Lauren.