Updating resolution without changing state

I was looking at this today on our server and I can't see any setting or anything that allows me to update the resolution that has been set on a resolved state without updating the state. The UI grays out the resolution once saved.
I've even tried the workaround of updating bulk work items via a query which sometimes allow you to update a field you can't update via the editor.
Is there a way to change this? Or is this a design limitation?
I've even tried the workaround of updating bulk work items via a query which sometimes allow you to update a field you can't update via the editor.
Is there a way to change this? Or is this a design limitation?
3 answers

The only way to update the resolution is to reopen the work item and than close it again; but that does update the Resolution Date, too.

Is this going to be changed at a later release? We introduced new resolutions and wanted to updated existing work items without having to reopen the work items. One of the metrics that we are collecting is the percentage of work items that are reopened; reopening work items to update the resolution would skew the metric.
Is it possible to updated the resolution in RTC?

This is requested in work item Allow modification of the resolution code without changing the state (113574)