Git like feature

One answer

I believe you are looking for 'lscm move path source dest' which renames rather than delete and add the file.

Actually what Shimon (and I) are looking for is post-factum change.
We perform - using native OS command - a move operation d1/f into d2/f and we want scm accept it as a move operation.
Why we need it ? Because we are developing a plug in to source editor that notify us after the operation was made.

I don't believe the above mentioned use case is supported in RTC.
Geoffrey Clemm
FORUM ADMINISTRATOR / FORUM MODERATOR / JAZZ DEVELOPER Feb 23 '15, 11:28 a.m.Do you have a URL for a manual page defining the semantics of the "-after" flag?
(And I assume it is "git mv -after ...", not "git -after mv ..." ?)