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SPARQL endpoint to query Rational data

Stephen Nowell (25125) | asked Jun 06 '13, 3:17 p.m.

Given Rational Team Concert's implementation of the OSLC CM v2.0 specification, it stands to reason that it is storing its data in some kind of RDF triple store.  Is there any way to configure or enable a SPARQL endpoint for our RTC (or RQM, RAM, RRC, etc.) project such that we can query the underlying data set directly with a SPARQL query?  I have thus far seen nothing in the Jazz Team Server admin console for this and the documentation is unclear.


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Davyd Norris (20221014) | answered Jun 06 '13, 8:45 p.m.
edited Jun 06 '13, 8:46 p.m.
Yes there absolutely is!

I have only just in the last few days been playing with the Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager application and it includes a SPARQL Gateway as part of its lifecycle query capability. I have RELM, RTC, RRC, RQM and DM all registered as datasources for the SPARQL gateway and have been creating SPARQL queries and views in RELM.

It's actually really very cool :-)

Check out RELM on the systems and Software engineering area:, and also have a look at the  RELM Infocenter In particular see this section:

Oh and also read up the section in the RELM Infocenter on Creating Queries, Views and Reports - good info on using SPARQL to get lifecycle data.

Hope it helps!
Stephen Nowell selected this answer as the correct answer

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