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List of Changeset in a workitem

Pankaj Sharma (401170) | asked Dec 14 '15, 9:30 a.m.
In my project there are 2 types workitems 
  1. Change Request (CR)
  2. Audit
CRs have a attribute of Release(e.g. 1.0, 1.1, 2.0 etc.) so after all CRs have been implemented for a release Auditor can verify list changes & Change Sets.

How can I list all CRs in a particular Audit Task with its associated changeset numbers?

Any help is appreciated.

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Surya Tripathi (65017) | answered Dec 16 '15, 8:26 p.m.
edited Dec 16 '15, 8:27 p.m.
I guess you would want to list changesets associated with a work item. You can use Eclipse client to go to the links tab of the work item to see all changesets.

Alternatively, you can use command line to list all changesets. For example -
>lscm  list changeset -W 1587 -r https://localhost:9443/ccm -u surya  -P surya

Where, 1587 is the work item number.

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