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Troubleshooting issues between integrated applications

Authors: IntegrationsTroubleshootingTeam
Build basis: The Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) 4.x

This page provides some initial troubleshooting steps necessary to help diagnose issues encountered when using integrated applications.

Initial investigation and analysis

Before you begin, ensure that you have properly setup the integration for both integrated products per the instructions documented in the IBM Rational Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) Knowledge Center. See: Overview of CLM integrations.

Double check the basics

  • Can the linked application resolve the hostnames of the Jazz servers (in an enterprise topology, for instance, if IBM Rational Quality Manager (RQM) and Jazz Team Server (JTS) have different hostnames), can it resolve all of the Jazz topology names? Check this with nslookup. Then check in the other direction, can the Jazz servers find your application?

  • Can they ping the Jazz servers and can the Jazz server ping them?

  • Are the timestamps between the servers synchronized? Timestamps are part of the oAuth dance and having a mismatch will break it.

  • Is a Pop Up Blocker blocker enabled, preventing popups?

  • Is a network Proxy preventing access?

  • Is browser security impacting the situation? If it is seeing internal servers as ‘Internet’, try them as trusted or intranet. Has a shield icon appeared beside the URL indicating a security issue?

  • Are the URLs entered for rootservices documents correct? For Jazz applications, they follow a standard of <public uri/rootservices. Do not replace any part of the public uri. For instance, do not use an IP Address or physical hostname. Match it exactly to what is set as the public URI for that application. That can be seen in the /admin page.

  • Clear the jazz proxy cache - Go to https://host:9443/ccm/proxy/logout (replace host/ccm with correct hostname/port/context root). It should give a blank page. This clears the session to the remote application. Then the next attempt to access it will ask for a login.

Data Matters

Is the issue specific to a particular artifact or collection? Are there non alpha numeric characters that might be breaking it? If this is the case, it is likely a defect and should be addressed by Rational Support or logged on jazz.net.


Take a look in the Jazz application log (ccm.log for Rational Team Concert (RTC), qm.log for RQM, rm.log for Rational Requirements Composer (RRC) or DOORS Next Generation (NG), dm.log for Design Manager). Check if the other application has a log.

Enable HTTP tracing

Tracing tools such as Firebug (an addon for Mozilla Firefox), Microsoft Internet Explorer Developer Tools (from Internet Explorer 9 onwards, as we need network tracing) or Google Chrome Developer Tools can help. Mozille Firefox – Install the Firebug addon from getfirebug.com Microsoft Internet Explorer 9+ – Developer tools can be started by clicking F12 or from the Tools menu Google Chrome – Developer tools can be started from the Tools menu

Regardless of the browser or tool, what you are mostly interested in is the Network tracing. At their most basic, OSLC integrations are sending and receiving HTTP GET, PUT, or POST requests. If something is failing, it is likely one of those you want to trace. Is there an error code in there you are not seeing in the logs? Is there something different in a request which works and one which fails?

Related topics: Deployment web home

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Additional contributors: MaeveOReilly

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