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uc.png Standard deployment topology patterns overview

Authors: StevenBeard, TimFeeney, BreunReed, PaulEllis, ShubjitNaik
Build basis: CE/CLM 6.x (with some restrictions)

This page complements the Standard Topologies Overview by providing diagrams and description of the main patterns that can be used for specific reasons within a CE/CLM deployment topology. They include only the parts of the deployment topology needed to present the pattern and not all of the other nodes that can be deployed within the wider topology.

Rational Team Concert (RTC) clustering

  • RTC clustering topology pattern for CE/CLM 6.0.5 and beyond:

This patterns shows just the CE/CLM nodes required to cluster RTC.

Please Note: The Jazz Authorization Server (JAS) is required for RTC clustering.

In the topic Setting up a Change and Configuration Management application clustered environment version 6.0.5 and later we provide specific guidance on setting-up a Distributed Cache Microservice (DCM) for clustered applications:

The microservice must be installed and run on a machine that is accessible by all nodes of the clustered application. By default, the microservice is installed on the Jazz Team Server (JTS) machine under the server/clustering/cache directory and is started as part of the JTS startup sequence (on demand, only when a clustered application asks for it).

Note: For optimal performance, the DCM should be moved to a dedicated machine. The size of this machine will depend on the number of users in your RTC cluster and their usage. DCM can be deployed on a machine as small as 2 core, 4gb RAM and 100GB disk, but you will need to monitor the system and increase its size based on your load. We found that a 4 core, 8gb ram, 200gb disk virtual machine handled 500 users (but it will vary based on what your users do with the system).

IBM HTTP Server (IHS) clustering

To be completed.

Jazz Authorization Server (JAS) clustering

  • JAS clustering topology pattern for CE/CLM 6.0.2 and beyond:

If you have an active Jazz deployment using Jazz Security Architecture (JSA) Single Sign-On, you can reduce the risk of outages by clustering a single Jazz Authorization Server with multiple replicas. If you only have a single JAS instance, then all authenticate requests will fail if that instance goes offline. If you have a JAS cluster, then login requests will succeed since they will automatically fall over to active JAS replicas.

Refer to the following Jazz Deployment article for additional guidance on configuring JAS Clustering: https://jazz.net/wiki/bin/view/Deployment/PerformanceClusteredJAS

Modified Departmental patterns

To be completed.

Multiple application servers of the same product

  • Multiple application servers topology pattern for CE/CLM 6.x:

There has been clear guidance for several releases of CE/CLM on using multiple instances of the same application server:

In CE/CLM 6.0.6 ifix003 we added Support for cross-server links with system and custom link types for RDNG.

Multiple database servers

To be completed.

Security (SAML, Kerberos, OIDC, SCIM)

  • SAML topology pattern for CE/CLM 6.0.1 and beyond:

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Topic attachments
I AttachmentSorted descending Action Size Date Who Comment
Pngpng SAML.png manage 63.4 K 2019-02-07 - 23:36 UnknownUser  
Pngpng jasClustering.png manage 86.4 K 2019-02-07 - 23:21 UnknownUser JAS cluster diagram
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