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Impact of server rename and integrated products (versions 4.0.1 and later)

Authors: EricSolomon, HeatherSterling
Build basis: Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management 4.0.1

In the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management 2012 (4.0.1), you can rename one or more server public URLs, using the Server Rename feature. Changing server URLs is a complex and potentially disruptive operation due to the linkages that may exist between multiple disparate products, as well as 3rd party applications. Prior to attempting a rename, it is imperative that you understand the supported scenarios, the impact of performing a rename for your deployment scenario, and the server rename procedure itself. If you haven't already done so, you should also review the guidance article in the Deployment Wiki.

Before performing a server rename, it is important that you understand the products that you integrate with.

  • If you are renaming a pilot or full production deployment, and your deployment includes other integrations, verify that those integrations are supported. If your integration is not supported, do not perform a server rename. Your integrations will break.
  • If you are setting up a test staging environment, you must create "dummy mappings" in the mapping file for the URLs of any additional integrations in your deployment. This is to prevent contamination or linkages from the staging environment into production. See Mapping file for server rename for details.

Rational CLM product integrations

It is our intention to eventually support a CLM server rename in all of the Rational integrated products. As one might expect, these products are sometimes built on different technologies and architectures, and do not all ship on the same release schedule as CLM. It is important to understand that for most of these products, continued integration after a CLM server rename will require you to either download a specific new product release or iFix, or download and run a separate utility. When new integrations are supported, the actions needed to repair the integration points will vary by product but may include the following:

  • Changing repository connections to point to new servers
  • Editing configuration files with new server names and restarting software
  • Using an administration GUI to change server URLs
  • Running a tool to change URL references in product data repositories (some downtime would usually be required)

The following table lists the non-CLM product integrations that would be impacted by a CLM server rename. Use this table to assess the impact on your planned server rename. We are working hard to ensure that each integration is thoroughly tested by IBM before we give it our seal of approval and support. We will update these tables as new integrations are supported, so check back as needed for the latest updates.

Supported non-CLM products that would be impacted by a server rename of the JTS and CLM applications

Server rename support is now provided in this release for the following non-CLM products. See the support statements for guidance about reconfiguring the integrations after a server rename.

Non-CLM product Integrates With Support Statement and Documentation
Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software 8.5 RTC
After the RTC server is renamed, you will be prompted to restart RAD and connect to the renamed RTC server. Ensure that all RTC clients have updated repository connections that point to the renamed RTC server. In addition, be sure to update the hostname of the renamed RTC server in the DNS lookup table.
Security AppScan Enterprise 8.6 RQM
After a server rename, RQM will be unable to start AppScan. For the AppScan test adapter, rerun the AppScan Adapter Setup and point to the new URL for the RQM server. For defect submission from AppScan to RTC, log into Security AppScan Enterprise and update the Defect Tracking Configuration in Enterprise to point at the new URL for the RTC server. For details see Editing integration details after a server rename. For additional details, see Configuring the ASE adapter.
Security AppScan Source 8.6, 8.5
If you have enabled RTC defect tracking in Security AppScan Source for Analysis, and the RTC server is renamed, any existing configuration for project areas on that server will no longer be available. You will need to connect to the server via its new repository URI and recreate the configuration in the Defect Tracking System preferences. For details about configuring a connection, see Rational Team Concert preferences. For additional information, see Integrating with Rational Team Concert.
Rational Build Forge
Rational Build Forge 7.1.2
RQM Not impacted by server rename
Rational Business Developer 8.5
Rational Developer for Power System Software 8.5
Rational Developer for System z 8.5
Rational Programming Patterns 8.5
RTC Server rename only impacts RTC client shell-sharing. Repository connections for RTC need to be updated after a server rename to point to the new server. See Verifying Change and Configuration Management, specifically the sections on the Eclipse client and Enterprise Extensions, for details. Note: Server rename has no impact on integration with Rational Programming Patterns 8.5.
Rational Change, iFix 001 RQM
Rational Change integrates with RTC, RQM, and RRC through Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC). Rational Change also integrates with RTC through Rational Synchronization Server. After a rename, RQM users will not be able to navigate to test cases. RTC users will not be able to navigate to work items, and RRC users will not be able to navigate to requirements. To reestablish the integrations, use the Rational Synergy or command-line interface to update references to the renamed server. With Rational Change, you will also need to install the Change patch that includes the server rename support. For details, see Updating references to an an integration server that was renamed and What to do when Rational Team Concert server is renamed.
Rational ClearCase Bridge v7.1.x, v7.1.2.x and v8.0.0.x RTC Requires execution of a ClearCase tool that is used to administer RTC task URIs for certain situations. See Updating the ClearCase Bridge after performing server rename on Jazz Team Server for details.

Rational ClearCase Synchronizer and Importer v7.1.x, v7.1.2.x and v8.0.0.x


Stop and start the synchronization build engine after server rename. See Updating the ClearCase Synchronizer environment after renaming the Jazz Team Server for details.

Rational ClearQuest Bridge v7.1.2.07 or higher and v8.0.0.03 or higher
Requires running a tool several times that updates Jazz Team Server public URI artifact links for the Rational solution for CLM. Specifically, the tool updates the URIs that are stored in IBM Rational ClearQuest Web server configuration files. The tool also updates the URIs that are stored in OSLCLink records in the ClearQuest user database. See Remapping URIs after renaming a CLM server for details.

Rational ClearQuest Synchronizer v7.1.x, v7.1.2.x and v8.0.0.x RTC
Requires performing a set of steps to update the synchronizer properties file and force a resynchronization from RTC/RQM to ClearQuest to repair broken links after a CLM server renaming operation. See Preparing the ClearQuest Synchronizer for renaming Jazz Team Server for details.
Rational DOORS 9.3, 9.4
Rational DOORS Web Access,
Server rename impacts the requirements change management feature. Proposed changes in progress will no longer be visible and cannot be worked through the review/approval process. Before performing any verifications after a CLM server rename, modify the URLs for the Friend servers in the DOORS database properties with the new CLM server hostname.
Rational DOORS Next Generation 4.0.1 RQM
Server rename impacts the links between requirements, test cases, work items, and plans. See the CLM Information Center at Changing the public URL by using server rename for server rename guidelines. The instructions in the Information Center for Requirements Management (RM) are also valid for DOORS Next Generation. See Verifying Requirements Management for specific instructions about verification after a server rename.
Rational Focal Point 6.5.2 RTC
After a rename, links to RTC and RRC artifacts will be broken. To reestablish the integrations, you need to update the Server Friends List in Focal Point, specifically the Root Services URI for RTC and RRC. See Rational Focal Point and the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management and Connecting to the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management application server for details.
Rational Functional Tester 8.2.2 RQM After rename, RQM will not be able to run RFT scripts, and the keyword view function will be disabled. To reconnect, you must re-configure the adapter to point to the new URL and update the URL in the Keyword view. For details, see Configuring and running the Rational Functional Tester adapter for RQM and Viewing keywords created in IBM Rational Quality Manager.
Rational Functional Tester 8.2.2 RTC After rename, repository connections to RTC will stop working. Work items may have incorrect links. Repository connections need to be updated to point to the new server. RTC plugins used by RFT may require upgrading to 4.0.1. Rational Functional Tester projects managed by RTC require reconfiguration. For more information, see Sharing a project.
Hudson 2.2
Repository connections for RTC need to be updated after a server rename to point to the new server. See Verifying Change and Configuration Management for details.
Rational License Key Server 8.1.2
Not impacted by server rename

Rational Insight
The process of configuring Rational Insight after a rename of the Jazz Team Server or the CLM applications is the same as the process of configuring Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence (RRDI). See Configuring RRDI after server rename for details. For instructions about renaming the reporting server itself, see Server rename and reporting.
Rational Method Composer 7.5.2 RTC
RMC generates an xml file that RTC imports as work item templates. Links back to RMC-published pages, such as process descriptions from RTC work items, can become broken in the following cases:
  • A user specified a Jazz server and port on the RMC export as part of the server path, and a CLM administrator subsequently renamed the server and/or port.
  • A user failed to specify a server and port as part of the server path, but they opted during the RMC generation/export to deploy RMC pages to the RTC server context root, rather than using an RMC- specific root on the RTC server, and a CLM admin subsequently renamed the Jazz server's context root.

To remedy the situation, work item templates can be re-exported and imported to avoid links becoming broken for new work items. See RMC with RTC tech note for details.

Rational Performance Tester 8.2.1
Rational Service Tester for SOA Quality 8.2.1
RQM After rename, RQM cannot run RPT or RST scripts. You will need to reconfigure the adapter to point to the new RQM server. Verify that the adapter connects and that RPT and RST scripts run successfully. For RPT details, see Configuring the Rational Quality Manager adapter. For RST details, see Configuring the Rational Quality Manager adapter.
Rational Performance Tester 8.2.1
Rational Service Tester for SOA Quality 8.2.1
RTC Connection records that point to RTC repositories will fail to open. For RPT, you will need to update connection records to point to the new RTC server.

Microsoft Project 2007, 2010 RTC Not impacted by server rename. For details about the integration, see Microsoft Project integration.

Rational Publishing Engine, 1.2
RTC If you included server URLs for RTC in your document specification and template, and then change the server URL by doing a server rename, document generation will be broken until you fix the references. For details, see Updating Rational Publishing Engine files after data source server changes.
Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence 2.0 RTC
For instructions about the process of configuring Rational Reporting for Development Intelligence after a rename of the Jazz Team Server or the CLM applications, see  Configuring RRDI after server rename. For instructions about renaming the reporting server itself, see Server rename and reporting.
Rational Reporting for Document Generation, 1.2 RTC
Rational Reporting for Document Generation (RRDG) is the document generation component of Rational Publishing Engine (RPE). RRDG dynamically computes the public URLs of the CLM applications and provides substitutions for variables. If you author your document specification to use these variables as the URLs for data sources, the URLs will continue to work after a server rename. The only time that server rename will cause a broken URL is if you hard-code a server URL in your document specification or template.
Rational RequisitePro 7.1.3 RQM
Not impacted by server rename because RQM references are not stored on the RequisitePro server.
Rational Rhapsody 7.6, 8.0 RQM After rename, RQM cannot run Rhapsody TestConductor scripts. Re-configure the adapter to point to the new RQM server.
Rational Rhapsody 7.6, 8.0 RTC Server rename only impacts RTC client shell-sharing. Models that include URLs to CLM artifacts will have broken links. Repository connections for RTC need to be updated after a server rename to point to the new server. See Verifying Change and Configuration Management for details.
Rational Robot 7.0.3 RQM
After rename, RQM cannot run Robot scripts. Re-configure the adapter to point to the new RQM server. For details, see Configuring the Robot adapter. Verify that the adapter connects and that Robot scripts run successfully.
Selenium adapter 2.0 RQM Selenium automates browsers, primarily for automating web applications for testing purposes. You can use the JUnit Selenium adapter to run Selenium version 2.0 WebDriver JUnit4 tests on the RQM server. After a rename, change the URL of the RQM server in the Selenium adapter and verify that Selenium scripts run successfully. For details, see Impact of server rename on the Quality Management (QM) application.
Rational Software Architect 8.5
Rational Software Architect RealTime Edition 8.5

Rational Software Architect for !!WebSphere Software 8.5

Server rename only impacts RTC client shell-sharing. Models that include URLs to CLM artifacts will have broken links. Repository connections for RTC need to be updated after a server rename to point to the new server. See Verifying Change and Configuration Management for details. In addition, URLs in models must be updated manually.
Rational Software Architect Design Manager 4.0.1
Rational Rhapsody Design Manager 4.0.1
After a CLM server rename, links to CLM artifacts will be broken until server mapping is applied on the Design Manager (DM) server. The DM server will use the same server mapping file as CLM. After CLM server rename, verify as follows:
  • Log in to DM in your web browser.
  • Verify that the links established before server rename are still functional and navigable.
  • Verify that the links in the Recent Links viewlet on the dashboard are still navigable.
  • Verify that new links from DM to CLM servers can be created in DM without any issues.
  • Verify that new links from CLM to DM servers can be created in CLM without any issues.

See Design Manager for additional verification steps.

Rational Synergy, RRC
Currently, Rational Synergy is not impacted by server rename. However, you must use the Rational Synergy command line interface to reestablish the integration between Rational Change and CLM. For details, see Updating references to an an integration server that was renamed.
Rational System Architect RTC Only impacts RTC client shell-sharing. Models that include URLs to CLM artifacts will have broken links. Repository connections for RTC need to be updated after a server rename to point to the new server. See Verifying Change and Configuration Management for details. In addition, URLs in models must be updated manually.
Rational Test RealTime RQM
After rename, RQM cannot run Test RT scripts. Reconfigure the adapter to point to the new RQM server, using the -reconfigure option to set the new server URL. For details, see Initializing the Rational Quality Manager adapter. For RTC, server rename only impacts RTC client shell-sharing. Repository connections for RTC need to be updated after a server rename to point to the new server.
See Verifying Change and Configuration Management for details.

Unsupported non-CLM products that would be impacted by a server rename of the JTS and CLM applications

Server rename support is not yet provided in this release for the following non-CLM products.

Non-CLM product Integrates With Support Statement and Documentation
Rational Connector for SAP Solution Manager 4.0 RQM
Not yet supported for server rename
Rational Build Forge
Rational Build Forge 7.1.2, 7.1.3
RTC Not yet supported for server rename
Eclipse Lyo RQM
Not yet supported for server rename
Lifecycle Query Engine 1.0.0.x RQM
Not yet supported for server rename
Rational Engineering Lifecycle Management 1.0.x RQM
Not yet supported for server rename
Not yet supported for server rename
JIRA 4.4.1
Not yet supported for server rename
Rational Asset Manager Enterprise Edition 7.5.1
Rational Asset Manager Standard Edition 7.5.1
Not yet supported for server rename
Rational Publishing Engine, 1.2 RRC
Not yet supported for server rename
Software Testing Automation Framework (STAF)
Software Testing Automation Framework Execution Engine (STAX)
RQM Not yet supported for server rename
Tivoli Provisioning Manager (TPM)
Tivoli Application Dependency Manager (TADM)
RQM Not yet supported for server rename

Related topics: ServerRename

Additional contributors: RosaNaranjo

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