r8 - 2015-05-27 - 17:04:10 - Main.sbagotYou are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > DeploymentTroubleshooting > UpgradeTroubleshooting > CLMUpgradeTroubleshooting > RunningTheUpgradeManually

Running the upgrade manually

Authors: UpgradeTroubleshootingTeam
Build basis: CLM 4.x and later

This page will discuss issues that arise when completing the upgrade process manually instead of running the upgrade scripts.

Upgrade steps

It is strongly recommended that you complete the CLM upgrade by using the Interactive Upgrade Guide and the upgrade scripts.

Manually running the upgrade

If you decide to bypass using the upgrade script, you will be running the repotools commands manually. The upgrade script runs the following commands:
 repotools-<app> -migration_<app>_updateConfigurationFiles 
 repotools-<app> -addTables 

As well as performs the following file merges:

  • Updates the teamserver.proprties files based on the information from the previous version
  • With the RM application, the old version friendsconfig.rdf file is merged, which contains the list of servers set up for cross-repository integration with the new version
  • In a Tomcat environment, merges the content of server.xml and web.xml files with the new version and copies the old version tomcat-users.xml file
  • The JTS upgrade script will also upgrade the Data Warehouse

Updating the configuration files

Navigate to Updating the Configuration Files for information on known issues which may occur at this step.

Adding the database tables

Navigate to Adding the Database Tables for information on known issues which may occur at this step.

Upgrading the data warehouse

Navigate to Upgrading the DW Schema for information known issues which may occur at this step.

Related topics:

External links:

  • None

Additional contributors: StephanieBagot

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