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Rational Team Concert For z/OS Incremental Build Activities - "Change One COBOL File and Execute Build" todo.png

Authors: SuHui LuLu
Build basis: Rational Team Concert for z/OS from 4.0.2 to 6.0.1

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Build Activities

The tables below display the run time for the detailed build activities. The build is executed after one COBOL file is changed. Comparison is made from version 4.0.2 to 6.0.1, for both Mortgage*1000 and Mortgage*100 sample projects. Based on the test data , there is a significant improvement about 70% in the "preprocessing build" time. activities_onecobol_m1000.png activities_onecobol_m1000_2.png activities_onecobol_m100.png activities_onecobol_m100_2.png

Parent topic: Rational Team Concert For z/OS Incremental Build Performance Comparison Between Releases
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