This section describes the data that is used for the performance tests that are specific for the Enterprise Extensions features tests scenarios. The data is based on a sample application which, to achieve levels that will allow us to test scalability of the solution, is replicated generating several different variations. The base application used as data for the testing is the Mortage Application. This sample application is included as part of the Money That Matters sample. The application contains 5 (five) zComponent projects with the following base assets relevant numbers:

Element Type # Elements Size Average size Max size
COBOL program 6 165KB 27.5KB 133KB
Copybook 6 3KB 0.5KB 568 bytes
REXX 2 2.6KB 1.3KB 1.3KB
BMS 2 9KB 4.5KB 6.5KB
Link Card 1 0.5KB 0.5KB 0.5KB
BIND file 2 0.8KB 0.4KB 492 bytes

The sample application is a COBOL/CICS application that has a number of both statically called programs and dynamically called programs with a number of common and module specific copybooks. The process flow of the application from a CICS perspective is as follows:

  1. Users starts the application by issuing the EPSP transaction and this runs the EPSCMORT program.
  2. EPSCMORT statically calls EPSNBRVL to perform number validation
  3. EPSCMORT dynamically calls EPSCSMRT via an EXEC CICS LINK to pass parameters to the mortgage payments program
  4. EPSCMORT dynamically calls EPSMLIST when PF9 is pressed to display a list of records from a file
  5. EPSCSMRT dynamically calls EPSMPMT via an EXEC CICS LINK to calculate the mortgage payment

Scalability Test Data

The following data is generated automatically based on the described sample application data.
Automatic volume generation is achieved by replication of source code elements obtaining the following sets of test data:


10 times replication of Mortage Application sample.

Assets Overall dev assets
60 COBOL programs
40 Copybooks
20 BMS
3 others


100 times replication of Mortage Application sample.

Assets Overall dev assets
600 COBOL programs
400 Copybooks
200 BMS
3 others


250 times replication of Mortage Application sample.

Assets Overall dev assets
1500 COBOL programs
1000 Copybooks
500 BMS
3 others


500 times replication of Mortage Application sample.

Assets Overall dev assets
3000 COBOL programs
2000 Copybooks
1000 BMS
3 others


1000 times replication of Mortage Application sample.

Assets Overall dev assets
6000 COBOL programs
4000 Copybooks
2000 BMS
3 others

These sets of data are used in different tests to be able to reproduce different conditions and volumes of information.

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