r9 - 2014-12-22 - 10:41:21 - PaulEllisYou are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > DeploymentInstallingUpgradingAndMigrating > RMPatchService

updated.png Patch service for CLM applications

Authors: GailBurati, PaulEllis
Build basis: RRC/DNG 4.0.4; CLM 5.x

The RM Patch Service was a new feature for RM 4.0.4 JazzAdmin users.

You use the service to deploy and manage code fixes from the RM development team to the server by using the /rmadmin page.

Note that this was an RM-only feature prior to CLM 5.0. In CLM 5.0, this was introduced to the other CLM applications as a new service which allows you to dynamically add code changes to any build, without having to run a personal build. These code modifications are referred to throughout this document as "patches" or "hot-fixes".

RM Patch Service Capabilities

RM 4.0.4 JazzAdmin users can use the RM Patch service on the /rmadmin page to:

  • Deploy code fixes from the RM development team to the server
  • Enable, disable or delete code fixes that have been deployed to the server
  • Display all the code fixes that have been deployed to the server and whether they are enabled or disabled
  • Detect conflicts between code fixes
  • Track the defect numbers and summaries attached to each code fix deployed to the server.

RM Patch Service feature video

Watch the feature demo video:

Related topics: None

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Additional contributors: None

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