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Configure Single Sign-On and Single Sign-Out for ELM configured with a SAML or OIDC Provider new.png

Authors: ShubjitNaik
Build basis: Engineering Lifecycle Management and Jazz Authorization Server 7.0.2 and Higher

Jazz Authorization Server (JAS) is a Liberty OpenID Connect Provider and it can be configured to further delegate authentication to a SAML Identity Provider or a Third Party OIDC Provider. The expectation is for Single Sign-On and Sign-Out to work between ELM and non-ELM applications that are both configured to use the same Provider.

The focus on this Article is on Single Sign-On and Logout. It is assumed that you have configured JAS with either a SAML IdP or a Third Party OIDC Provider.

JAS configured with a SAML IdP

Configuring Single Sign-On

The default configuration of JAS configured with SAML IdP indicates the IdP to force the user to re-authenticate. We would need to change this configuration for SSO to work between ELM and Non-ELM applications.

Steps to update the configuration:

  • Edit appConfig.xml file located at [JAS_HOME]\wlp\usr\server\jazzop\appConfig.xml
  • Search for samlWebSso20 section and update the parameter forceAuthn to forceAuthn="false" and add parameter spLogout="true"
          spLogout="true" >
  • Test Single Sign-On between ELM and Non-ELM applications

Configuring Single Sign-Out

You would need to perform the following additional configuration changes in JAS.

  • First confirm if the SAML idpMetadata.xml file contains HTTP-POST binding for SingleLogoutService. IBM Liberty only supports SAML SSO with HTTP-POST Bindings and not HTTP-Redirect Binding.
    • IBM WebSphere Liberty SAML Documentation
    • An example entry looks like this
      <md:SingleLogoutService Binding="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:bindings:HTTP-POST" Location="https://mysaml.example.com/mysaml/slo" /> 

  • Edit appConfig.xml file located at [JAS_HOME]\wlp\usr\server\jazzop\appConfig.xml
  • Search for samlWebSso20 section and change the spCookieName parameter value from jazzop_sso_cookie_idp to example liberty_saml_idp_sso_cookie or to any name of your choice.
          spLogout="true" >
  • Add /end_session to the Authentication Filter requestUrl
       <authFilter id="samlAuthFilter">
            <requestUrl id="samlRequestUrl" urlPattern="/authorize|/end_session" matchType="contains" />
            <userAgent id="samlUserAgent" agent="Mozilla|Opera" matchType="contains"/>

Configuring Single Sign-Out when SAML IdP does not support HTTP-POST

This workaround would work if you can directly access the SAML IdP Logout URL There are instances where SAML IdP does not support HTTP-POST for SingleLogoutService and/or the above instructions does not work. You could follow the workaround mentioned below, which are additional configuration in ELM.

  • Request your Administrator to share the SAML IdP Logout URL that can be accessed directly
    • Sample logout URL for example Microsoft ADFS https://adfs.example.org/adfs/ls/?wa=wsignout1.0
  • In each ELM application jts, ccm, qm, rm, gc and dcc perform the following:
    • Access Advanced Properties https://[ELM_URL]/[app]/admin#action=com.ibm.team.repository.admin.configureAdvanced
    • Search for the property Web Logout URI and update the value with the Logout URL received
    • Search for the property Trusted URIs for client authorization and redirection and update the value with the Logout URL received
  • Test Logout from ELM Applications

JAS configured with a Third Party OIDC Provider

Configuring Single Sign-On

When ELM is configured with a Third Party OIDC Provider , no changes are needed.

Configuring Single Sign-Out

With the default configurations the Logout operations from ELM does not complete. You would need to perform the following additional configuration in ELM. This workaround would work if you can directly access the OIDC Logout URL

  • Request your Administrator to share the OIDC Logout URL
    • Sample logout URL from a customer https://preprod.example.com/ui/oidcclient/logout
  • In each ELM application jts, ccm, qm, rm, gc and dcc perform the following:
    • Access Advanced Properties https://[ELM_URL]/[app]/admin#action=com.ibm.team.repository.admin.configureAdvanced
    • Search for the property Web Logout URI and update the value to the Logout URL received
    • Search for the property Trusted URIs for client authorization and redirection and update the value with the Logout URL received
  • Test Logout from ELM Applications


After applying the Single Sign-On and Sign Out configurations mentioned in the previous steps, following are the results

  • Single Sign-On is achieved between ELM and Non-ELM applications
  • Logout from an ELM Application will logout via the IdP logout URL and all other ELM Applications are logged out

  • Logout from a Non-ELM application - ELM applications are NOT logged out immediately
    • Post the SSO timeout which is set to 2 hours by default (can be changed), the applications are redirected to the IdP and existing sessions are logged out

Related topics: Jazz Authorization Server Landing Page, Configure ELM with a Third Party OIDC provider

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