SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) is an OASIS open standard for representing and exchanging user identity, authentication, and attribute information. A SAML assertion is an XML formatted token that is used to transfer user identity and attribute information from the identity provider (IdP) of a user to a trusted service provider (SP) as part of completing an SSO request.
With the introduction of
Jazz Authorization Server (JAS), we can configure IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management Solution to redirect authentication to a SAML Identity Provider via JAS. For additional information on SAML and WebSphere Liberty visit our
Infocenter Page
The focus of this article is showcase configuring ELM and JAS with
SimpleSAMLphp as the IdP.
When the user authentication is delegated from JAS to a SAML IdP there are a few limitations:
- ELM Version 7.0.1 and lower - Authenticating through a SAML IdP works for Browser based clients
- Thick Clients (Eclipse, Visual Studio) and Command line utilities can be configured to authenticate directly via JAS and LDAP.
- ELM Version 7.0.2 and higher- Starting version 7.0.2 you can configure Application Passwords for Non-Web Clients
- There is a requirement of an LDAP server (User Registry) for JAS for ID Token and Application Passwords mapping and for ELM for User-to-group role mapping (Or SCIM can be used)
Overview of Configuration
Overview of the different steps involved in this configuration.
- Configure JAS with an LDAP server (LDAP server should replicate ELM users from SAML IdP)
- Configure CA Certificates for JAS
- Setup ELM with JAS or Migrate and existing setup from container authentication to JAS
- Enable SAML feature and configurations in JAS
- Export the Metadata from JAS to SAML IdP
- Copy the SAML IdP metadata to JAS
- Test Configurations
Configure JAS with LDAP and ELM with JAS
Although the authentication is redirected and performed by the SAML IdP, ELM still needs to connect to the LDAP (via Advanced Properties in JTS) server for User-to-group role mapping (JazzAdmins, JazzUsers and so on) and JAS as well needs to be configured with the same LDAP server for ID Token and Application Passwords mapping.
Most customers don't expose the LDAP server working with the SAML IdP and instead create a replica with limited attributes and passwords disabled.
As a pre-req , first configure JAS with the LDAP server and then setup ELM
Configure JAS with LDAP
Enable JAS to support SAML 2.0
Extracting the instructions from
ELM Documentation and
Liberty Documentation
- For additional details on the SAML attributes and filters visit this Liberty Documentation
- With the above configuration JAS is now configured as a SAML Service Provider (SP)
Export SP Metadata from JAS
For Jazz Authorization Server to communicate with the SAML IdP, the server must be registered as a partner in the IdP. You can download / export the SP metadata from JAS to register it as a partner.
Registering and enabling a partner depends on the SAML implementation in your IdP, you can follow the SAML documentation or contact you Administrator.
When JAS is configured as a SAML Service Provider you can download/export the metadata
- If you are not prompted to save the file, review your SAML configurations in the appConfig.xml and server.xml file on JAS
- If you have changed the default ID in JAS SAML configurations, replace
in the URL with the ID that you have defined
- Metadata from JAS needs to be generated again if there is a change in certificates
- Share the
file with SAML IdP administrator
Import SAML IdP Metadata into JAS
For the Jazz Authorization Server to communicate with the SAML IdP you must import the SAML IdP metadata file
SAML IdP Examples
SimpleSAMLphp is a PHP-written application that deals with authentication. Its main focus is to provide support for SAML as a Service Provider (SP) or an Identity Provider (IdP). In this example, SimpleSAMLphp is the Identity Provider (IdP).
The following steps demonstrate how to install and configure SimpleSAMLphp.
- Here is an example of the file
$metadata['__DYNAMIC:1__'] = [
'host' => '',
// X.509 key and certificate. Relative to the cert directory.
'privatekey' => 'simplesaml.key',
'certificate' => 'simplesaml.crt',
/* Authentication source to use. Must be one that is configured in 'config/authsources.php'. */
'auth' => 'example-userpass',
'userid.attribute' => 'uid',
'attributes.NameFormat' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:attrname-format:uri'
Import JAS SP Metadata to SimpleSAMLphp
SimpleSAMLphp include a Metadata converter UI which can be used to covert the metadata format that can be added to
- Access the URL sample
- Upload the JAS spMetadata.xml file and click Parse
- Copy the converted data into
- Configure additional additional options required for your SP configuration, see SP remote metadata reference
- Test the Authentication Flow
Microsoft ADFS
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