r11 - 2020-11-26 - 06:39:43 - TadahiroHaraYou are here: TWiki >  Deployment Web > DeploymentInstallingUpgradingAndMigrating > JazzAuthorizationServer > JASandAppIDonIBMCloud

How to configure Jazz Authentication Server with App ID on IBM Cloud todo.png

Authors: -- TadahiroHara - 2020-11-26
Build basis: ELM 7.0.2 and higher

Starting with the Collaborative Lifecycle Management Solution 6.0 software release, Jazz Security Architecture SSO is available as an authentication option. Based on OpenID Connect , authentication is NOT performed by the container hosting Jazz applications, but instead is delegated to a separate Jazz Authorization Server (JAS), which performs the role of an OpenID Connect provider (OP).

For further Information on Jazz Security Architecture you can visit our jazz.net article Jazz Server Authentication Explained

You can configure the Liberty OpenID Connect Provider to further delegate the user authentication like App ID on IBM cloud using the Liberty "Social Login" feature. This article shows an example of configuration with JAS and App ID.

The configuration information are extracted and modified for JAS from Liberty Topic: Configuring Social Login in Liberty and Configuring CLM Authentication with a 3rd Party OIDC provider


In this approach the user authentication is further delegated from JAS to App ID and this leads to redirections which some clients cannot do. Following are the limitations

  • Authenticating with App ID works only for Browser based clients
  • Thick Clients (Eclipse, Visual Studio) and Command line utilities can be configured to authenticate via JAS and hence JAS needs to be connected to the own LDAP server or local directory as App ID does not provides LDAP access. Alternatively Client Certificate or Native Password can be considered.

Deployment Pattern

The following diagram depicts the deployment topology and the authentication flow.

Overview of Configuration

Overview of the different steps involved in this configuration.

  • Configure on App ID
  • Configure OIDC Login in liberty in JAS
  • Set Redirect URL from JAS in App ID
  • Import certificate of App ID in a trust store in JAS
  • Add users to Cloud Directory in App ID ( Optional )

Configure on App ID

Create App ID instance on IBM cloud

You can deploy App ID instance from catalog in IBM Cloud when you have an account of IBM Cloud.

Deploying App ID instance.

Add Application to App ID

you can add "Application" to get information for liberty OIDC settings. please navigate Application from menu.

Adding an application in App ID.

You can get information for liberty OIDC settings after adding an "Application".

  "clientId": "xxxx1234-1234-1234-xxxx-e18890408990",
  "tenantId": "xxxx1234-1234-1234-1234-206ad598442e",
  "name": "JAS",
  "oAuthServerUrl": "https://au-syd.appid.cloud.ibm.com/oauth/v4/xxxx1234-1234-1234-1234-206ad598442e",
  "profilesUrl": "https://au-syd.appid.cloud.ibm.com",
  "discoveryEndpoint": "https://au-syd.appid.cloud.ibm.com/oauth/v4/xxxx1234-1234-1234-1234-206ad598442e/.well-known/openid-configuration",
  "type": "regularwebapp",
  "scopes": [

Configure OIDC Login in liberty in JAS

You need to configure server.xml and appConfig.xml in liberty in JAS to redirect authentication to App ID.
  • Open the [JAS_HOME]\wlp\usr\servers\jazzop\server.xml configuration file and add the socialLogin-1.0 , ssl-1.0
  • Add the oidcLogin element and configure the connection to App ID by referring "Application" information.
Attribute in oidcLogin Value from Application Information
clientId {clientId}
clientSecret {secret}
authorizationEndpoint {oAuthServerUrl}/authorization
tokenEndpoint {oAuthServerUrl}/token
issuer {oAuthServerUrl}
jwksUri {oAuthServerUrl}/publickeys
scope {scopes}
Example of configuration.

<oidcLogin id="myoidcserver" displayName="OIDC Login"
      userNameAttribute="email" >
      authFilterRef="myoidcAuthFilter"  >
<authFilter id="myoidcAuthFilter">
      <userAgent id="oidcUserAgent" agent="Mozilla|Opera" matchType="contains"/>
      <requestUrl id="pingRequestUrl" urlPattern="/authorize" matchType="contains"/>
Please see OIDC discovery document and Liberty Topic: Configuring Social Login in Liberty for details

Set Redirect URL from JAS in App ID

You need to set "Redirect URL" of JAS to App ID. please navigate Identity Providers > Manage > Authentication Settings.

For example, the redirect URL for the oidcLogin configuration example has the following format:


The following error message shows when redirect URL is not set in App ID.


Please see Adding redirect URIs for details.

Import a certificate of App ID in a trust store in JAS

You need to import a certificate of App ID in a trust store in JAS or you can see the following error when http request is redirected from App ID.
CWPKI0823E: SSL HANDSHAKE FAILURE:  A signer with SubjectDN [CN=au-syd.appid.cloud.ibm.com, O=International Business Machines Corporation, L=Armonk, ST=New York, C=US] was sent from the host [au-syd.appid.cloud.ibm.com:443].  The signer might need to be added to local trust store [ibm-team.keystore], located in SSL configuration alias [defaultSSLConfig].  The extended error message from the SSL handshake exception is: [PKIXCertPathBuilderImpl could not build a valid CertPath.].

  • import the certificate to the Liberty truststore [JAS_HOME]\wlp\usr\servers\jazzop\ibm-team.keystore file, in your browser, go to one of the endpoints specified by the oidcLogin element au-syd.appid.cloud.ibm.com, and export the certificate. Use a key management tool such as iKeyman or the Java keytool utility to add the certificate to the Liberty truststore file.

Add users to Cloud Directory in App ID (Optional)

When you use Cloud Directory for user management you can add users by referring Add Users.
When you only use IBM ID for user management this is not needed.

After configuration

After configuration, when you access to JTS application, your request will be redirect to Login Form in App ID on IBM Cloud.

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