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IBM Quick Deployer limitations and known issues updated.png

Authors: ThomasPiccoli, KennethThomson, JenniferLiu, KenTessier, ClareCarty
Build basis: CLM 6.0, CLM 6.0.x, CE 6.0.x

Current limitations

  • The operating system of all VMs in deployment must be the same. QD does not support mixed OS deployments.
  • UrbanCode Deploy agent must run as the root user on Linux and the Administrator user on Windows so all QD scripts will run in this context
  • LDAP support limited to Tivoli Directory Server
  • In general, the process cannot be restarted (should always create a snapshot of the VMs before running any UrbanCode Deploy process)
  • Only one environment can be connected to a database server; otherwise, name conflicts and UrbanCode Deploy process concurrency issues can occur
  • Will not support multiple instances of any application
  • The context root of the CLM or CE application's URL cannot be changed from the default
  • All CLM and CE application tags are expected to match the context route of their URL
  • For Windows deployments, if you select local as the installation media type, the local path cannot be a mapped network drive.
  • Python 2.7.5+ must be installed and included in the system path on the target VMs. Python 3.x is not supported.
  • If you use Oracle 12.1, you must use the ojdbc7.jar. If you use the ojdbc7.jar, you receive an error message when you run the repotools -createTables command. For additional information, see repotools -createTables command fails with ORA-01000 on Oracle 12.
  • Quick Deployer supports deployment of environments that include the IBM WebSphere Liberty server only if those environments consist of CLM/CE 6.0.5 or later applications.

Known issues

  • In CLM 6.0 scripted JTS Setup fails intermittently when attempting to register TRS providers with LQE. If this happens then JTS Setup will need to be completed from the web UI at ../jts/admin.
  • You must set the default user and LDAP parameters before you run the Install Applications process. You can do this by entering values in the userCreds.properties and ldap.properties files before you run the installer. Alternatively, you can run the Change Default User Parameters and Change Default LDAP Parameters processes.
  • DB2 user name restrictions are not enforced by the Change Default User Parameters process
  • If the Windows response time is slow, the Oracle installation might fail. The default total wait time is 60 minutes; after that, it exits with a failure. You can increase the number of tries or the interval wait time in function post_windows_install of the file Database/InstallOracle/install_oracle.py.
  • The Rational Requirements Management (RM) Converter application, which renders the read-only view of RM graphical artifacts, is installed but not configured. An issue was discovered when the Converter application was deployed on RHEL 7+. Therefore, the converter.war file will be present on the server but will not be configured in the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) server or the WAS Liberty server. See tech note Requirements Management (RM) Converter application configuration and troubleshooting guide for detailed configuration instructions.
  • The sample ldap.properties file includes quotes in the ldap primaryid and primaryid_Password values. When you edit the file to specify your LDAP settings, remove those quotes. For example:
    • Before:
    • jazz_ldap_primaryid="_LDAP_ADMIN_USER_"
    • jazz_ldap_primaryid_Password="_LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD_"

    • After:
    • jazz_ldap_primaryid=_LDAP_ADMIN_USER_
    • jazz_ldap_primaryid_Password=_LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWORD_



  • Throughout the IBM Quick Deployer wiki the screen captures are for reference only.
    In some cases if the functionality they display has not changed in the latest release they will be from a previous release

Related topics:

External links:

Additional contributors: MichelleCrane, NathanBak, ChristianLopez

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